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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Recent Developments in Light-Weight Composites and Materials
Presentation Title Selection and Future Directions of Conventional High-temperature Titanium Alloys for Aeroengines Applying Decision-science Methods
Author(s) Ramachandra Canumalla, Tanjore V. Jayaraman
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ramachandra Canumalla
Abstract Scope Conventional high-temperature titanium alloys find themselves in advanced aeroengines for applications at ~600°C owing to their superior combination of ambient and supra-ambient-temperature mechanical properties and oxidation resistance. We adopted a decision science-driven approach to analyze several high-temperature Ti alloys' mechanical properties. We applied a novel methodology that combines multiple-attribute decision-making (MADM) methods, principal component analysis (PCA), and cluster analysis (CA). The rank assigned by several MADMs, viz., Combined compromise solution (CoCoSo), Operational competitive ratio (OCRA), Multi-attribute border approximation area (MABAC), and Range of value method (ROVM), were consistent. PCA and CA not only consolidated the MADM ranks of the alloys but also grouped similar alloys. The investigation highlights similarities across several alloys, suggests potential replacement or substitute for existing alloys, and provides guidelines for alloy-design of titanium alloys over the current ones to push out some of the heavier alloys and thus reduce the weight of the engine to advantage.


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Ballistic Performance Simulation of Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene – Abaca Fiber-reinforced Composites Using Finite Element Analysis
Development of Eutectic Aluminum Alloys for High Temperature Applications
Dielectric Behavior of Carbon Fiber Polymer-matrix Structural Composites and Its Relevance to Structural Self-sensing
Effect of Aging on the Strength and Failure Mechanisms of an Aluminum-Cerium Based Alloy
Effect of Cooling Rate on High Temperature Mechanical Properties Al-Ce Based Alloys
High Strength Light-weight Al Matrix Composites Reinforced with Al-Cu-Fe Quasicrystal
Influence of Cryo-FSP on Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Behaviour of Stir Cast AA5083-SiC Nanocomposite
Machine Learning on Li-based Battery Materials
Mitigating the Recrystallization Process in Cold Worked Cu-Al2O3 Composite
Numerical and Experimental Ballistic Performance Investigation of Carbon-Aramid and Carbon-ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene Composites for Ballistic Applications
Selection and Future Directions of Conventional High-temperature Titanium Alloys for Aeroengines Applying Decision-science Methods
Strengthening Mechanisms of Ultrasonically Refined A356 (Al-Si-Mg) Aluminum Alloy
Thermal Expansion of Al-Ca Deformation Processed Metal-metal Composites
Unprecedented Sensing of the Twisting in Fiber Tows, as Shown for Carbon Fiber by Inductance-based Self-sensing, which Provides Fast, Low-cost and Large-format Sensing

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