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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Fracture Modeling of Composite Materials
Presentation Title Computational Polyethylene-ceramic Composite Plate Design and Optimization
Author(s) Trenin Bayless, Jerome P. Downey, Peter Lucon, Scott Coguill
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Trenin Bayless
Abstract Scope A computational simulation utilizing ANSYS/AUTODYNE software is used as a guide for the production of an experimental composite structure capable of distributing ballistic impact energy with greater efficiency. The analysis is focused on a composite system with spaced tungsten carbide inserts woven into a polyethylene matrix. The structure is capable of absorbing of kinetic energy through both plastic deformation and the breaking of molecular bonds in the tungsten carbide. The tungsten carbide inserts provide both a high-density ceramic structure, and increase the surface area of the plastic deformation, thereby increasing the rate of energy absorption. The composite structure exhibits a greater weight-to-impact-resistance ratio than conventional designs. These structures are reliant on the variable geometry of the tungsten carbide insert structure and placement. Through analysis and design with complex geometries, the construction of lighter composite ballistic plates with the same functional protection as conventional ballistic plates becomes a scaleable possibility.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


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Computational Polyethylene-ceramic Composite Plate Design and Optimization
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