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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Controlled Synthesis, Processing, and Applications of Structural and Functional Nanomaterials
Presentation Title Adhesion and Stability of Nanoparticles: Direct Measurements Using In Situ TEM
Author(s) Tevis D.B. Jacobs, Andrew Baker, Sai Vishnubhotla, Sanjana Karpe, Yahui Yang, Götz Veser
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Tevis D.B. Jacobs
Abstract Scope Metal nanoparticles are critical as plasmonic sensors, nanophotonic devices, and nanostructured catalysts. Their performance and lifetime depend on the strength of interactions to their supports. Only a single experimental technique can measure these interactions, but is limited to monometallic systems and cannot inform the rapidly-emerging field of alloy nanoparticles. We present a novel technique, combining the spatial resolution of transmission electron microscopy with the force resolution of atomic force microscopy, to directly measure the formation and separation of the particle-support interface. We validated the technique with monometallic nanoparticles, then measured adhesion in three bimetallic systems. The results showed complex, non-monotonic relationships between adhesion and composition. Using an analytical model of bonding, we show that adhesion is governed by charge transfer between constituent metals. This new understanding has the capacity to advance the fundamental understanding of nanoparticles, in particular for multimetallic nanoparticles used widely in manufacturing and energy technology.


Adhesion and Stability of Nanoparticles: Direct Measurements Using In Situ TEM
Advancements in Synthesis and Characterization of High-Purity Mn4C for Thermomagnetic Energy Devices
Atomically Precise Metal Nanoclusters
Atomistic Simulation Insights into the Structural and Thermodynamic Properties of CuZr Metallic Glass Nanoparticles
Bi-Continuous Graphene-Nickel Composite Fibers with Combined Strength-Ductility
Controlled Growth of Tellurium Micro- and Nanostructures for Photodetection Applications
Electromagnetic Irradiation Enabled Direct Activation for Efficient Graphene Etching and Doping
Electrophoretic Deposition of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Various Planar Geometries for On-Chip Component Fabrication
Fabrication of Patterned Heaters Using Laser Induced Graphene Electrodes on Flexible Polyimide Substrates
Functional Nanostructured Thermal Interface for Advanced Energy Applications
Grain Size Dependent Mechanical Properties of Hard Ceramics
Graphene Infused Copper
Highly Water Stable 2D Metal Organic Framework-Based Membrane for Molecular Separation
Immiscible Nanostructured Aluminum Alloys for Hydrogen Generation
K-1: Effect of Annealing on Physical Properties in Nanostructure Electroformed Fe-Ni Alloy Sheets
K-2: Fine-Tuning SmFe10V2 Magnet Performance through Microstructure Control
K-3: Investigation of 2D-Material Based Devices with As-Grown Metal Contacts
K-6: Self-Supporting Carbon Rich Silicon Oxycarbide Electrodes for Li-Ion Battery
K-7: Synthesis and Optical Properties of Titanium Aluminium Based Mxene Nanomaterial
Nanomaterials by Design: Tailored Morphology for Environmental Challenges
Nanostructural Effects Beyond Hall-Petch: Towards Superhard Tungsten Carbide
Persistent Free Carbon in Entropy Stabilized Ceramics
Phase Formation and High Temperature Electrical Conductivity in Polymer-Derived Silicon Oxycarbide – Ti3C2Tx ‘MXene’ Nanocomposites
Polymeric Supraparticles with Plasmonic Enhancement for Advance Diagnostic Performance
Role of Cations on High-Temperature Phase Evolution and Grain Growth of 2D Carbide MXenes and Their Electrocatalytic Properties
Single-Source-Precursor Derived Novel HfBxCyN1-x-y Ultrahigh-Temperature Ceramics for Multifunctional Applications: Energy Conversion and Thermal Protection
Sol Gel-Based Syntheses Towards Functional Carbides
Strengthening of Aluminum by Non-Metallic Elements
Synthesis of Metal and Oxide Inclusion-In-Oxide Composite Materials
Tailoring Morphology of Nanostructured Materials in Dry Printing Enabled by Bottom-up Strategies
Tribochemical Activation of Intergranular Sites Inside Nanoparticle Powder Compacts
Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Carbo-Chalcogenide for Electrocatalysis

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