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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Electrode Technology for Aluminum Production
Presentation Title Determining the optimal anode baking level amidst coke quality variation and productivity constraints
Author(s) Rawa Nabeel Baraheem, Jasem Al Obaidli, Pragasan Palavar, Aiyaz Thaseen, Mohammed Al Ghawi, Amer Al Marzooqi
On-Site Speaker (Planned)
Abstract Scope Anode baking level, measured through the crystallite size (Lc) or real density (RD) of baked anodes, is a crucial indicator of the performance of prebaked anodes used in modern electrolysis cells. It significantly affects electrical and mechanical properties and serves as a predictor of the dusting propensity or "wasteful" consumption of carbon anodes. Historically, an Lc value of 29Å was sufficient. However, due to increased variation in raw materials, more stringent electrolysis cell operating conditions, and tighter environmental regulations, it is necessary to strike a balance between the optimal baking level, the lowest practicable carbon consumption, and optimal furnace productivity. This article outlines the approach taken by Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) to determine the target baking level to minimize carbon consumption; and the strategy employed to sustain a consistent level of anode baking during the natural age-related deterioration of the bake furnace
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals


A Review of Coke Bulk Density Testing
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DENSICROSS - Intelligent Process Control
DENSICROSS - Intelligent Process Control
Determining the Characteristics of a Highly Complex Gas Flow in the Flue of an Anode Baking Furnace Using Various Tools
Determining the optimal anode baking level amidst coke quality variation and productivity constraints
Development of a Traceable Marker for Pitch Distribution Analysis in Baked Carbon Anodes
EGA addresses the challenges of raw material variability
Electrochemical Characterization of Bubble Behaviour on Pilot Anodes with Varying Porosity and Coke Quality
End-of-Life Treatment of Spent Potlining by Low Pressure and Heat
Experimental study of the green anode cooling
Experimental Study on Sodium in Carbon Anodes
Impact of increasing the height of carbon anodes for aluminum production
Managing Bake Furnace Relines to Optimize Fire Startup
Mitigating fire Risk at EGA Paste Plants by Improving the Performance and Reliability of Regenerative thermal Oxidizer (RTO) and Heat transfer medium (HTM) systems.
Novel 3D X-ray microscopy technique to unlock the detail of internal coke structures
Opportunities to Reduce Calciner CO2 Emissions
Optimizing Anode Design in Aluminum Smelters: The Impact of Chamfered Sides on Cost and Carbon Consumption
Research Progress on Inert Anode Materials for Aluminum Electrolysis
Screening pyrolysis bio-oils as binder for carbon anode in aluminum production
Simulation Energy-Saving Analysis and Application of New Anode Baking Furnace
TeqMapping: A Test Developed to Map the Impact of Baking Temperatures on Calcined Petroleum Cokes (CPC)
The Anode Baking Level Measurement Scale - Ensuring Harmonization when Using the ISO 17499 Method with Different Green Cokes
The intelligent measuring ramp - a new approach to anode firing in demanding process conditions

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