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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Biological Materials Science
Presentation Title Mechanical Properties of Stretchable, Mechanochemically Active Hydrogels
Author(s) Jamie J. Kruzic, Yuwan Huang, Alaa Ajam, Zihao Li, P. Bhakthi Jayathilaka, Md. Shariful Islam, Meredith Silberstein, Kristopher A. Kilian
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jamie J. Kruzic
Abstract Scope Inspired by how forces in biological tissues guide their functions in-vivo, we have developed bioinspired hydrogels where an applied force facilitates molecular changes that include: i) molecule immobilization from the surrounding environment, ii) molecule release into the environment, or iii) chemical signals that can be external sensed. We have incorporated these mechanochemistry concepts into covalently bonded poly(ethylene glycol) and polyacrylamide hydrogels. Furthermore, recognizing that single covalent network hydrogels suffer from inherent brittleness that make them poor choices for load bearing bioengineering applications, we have reinforced our mechanochemically active networks with physically bonded alginate networks to create tough and stretchable double network hydrogels that mimic the interpenetrating networks of biomolecules found in living tissue. This presentation will report on the mechanical and functional properties of our mechanochemically active double network hydrogels with a goal to understanding how different network structures control the mechanical properties and mechanochemical responses.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Biomaterials, Mechanical Properties, Polymers


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