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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Advanced Manufacturing, Processing, Characterization and Modeling of Functional Materials
Presentation Title 3D Printed Shape Memory Polymers: Electronics and Morphing
Author(s) Trenton Cersoli, Pedro Cortes
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Trenton Cersoli
Abstract Scope The present work has investigated the 3D printing process of a shape memory polymer (SMP) based polyurethane using material extrusion technology. Here, SMP pellets were fed into the printing unit, and smart coupons were manufactured. In contrast to the conventional film-casting manufacturing processes of SMPs, the use of 3D printing allows the production of complex parts for flexible electronics and morphing structures. The manufactured SMP parts were here assisted by SMA wires in order to induce actuation forces on the morphing components. The memory performance of a number of actuating structures were investigated and their fundamental recovery and mechanical properties were characterized. The preliminary results show that the assembled structures were able to recover their original conformation following a heating input. It seems that the incorporation of SMAs with SMPs results into hybrid smart structures where the SMP provides the fixating phase and the SMA the recovery stress phase.


3D Printed Shape Memory Polymers: Electronics and Morphing
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Establishing Fundamentals for Laser Metal Deposition of Functional Ni-Mn-Ga Alloys: Effect of Rapid Solidification on Microstructure and Phase Transformation Characteristics
Microstructure and Property Differences in Sintered and Annealed Binder-Jet 3D Printed Ni-Mn-Ga Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys
Strand Casting and Thermal Properties of Submillimeter Metallic Glass Wires

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