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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Bridging Scale Gaps in Multiscale Materials Modeling in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
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Keywords Modeling and Simulation, Machine Learning, Computational Materials Science & Engineering


A Dislocation Density-Based Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Model for Predicting Creep Behavior in Lamellar Titanium-Aluminum Alloys
AI-Enabled Upscaling of Ab Initio Thermodynamics for 3C-SiC(100) Surface Reconstructions
AtomAgents: Alloy Design and Discovery Through Physics-Aware Multi-Modal Multi-Agent Artificial Intelligence
Atomistically-Informed Discrete Dislocation Dynamics Simulations of Shock in Aluminum
Atomistically Informed Mesoscale Modeling of Deformation Behavior of Bulk Metallic Glasses
Bridging Scales in Metal Plasticity: The Roles of Theory, Data Science, and Computing
Coarse-Graining Atomistic Simulation Data with Physics-Guided Gaussian Process Regression
Complex Structure of Liquid and Machine-Learning
Computational Studies on Statistical Features of Dislocation Glide Energetics in Refractory Complex Concentrated Alloys
Developing Data-Driven Dislocation Mobility Laws for BCC Metals
Developing On-Demand, Highly Efficient Digital Twins with DFT Accuracy for Iterative Alloy Discovery Frameworks
Discovering New Mechanisms of Grain Growth with a Machine Learning Model Trained on Experimental and Simulation Data
Efficient High-Throughput Ab Initio Prediction of Liquidus Curves
Engineering the Crack-Tip Material Composition to Enhance the Microplasticity in Refractory Complex Concentrated Alloys
First-Principles Models of Solute-Defect Interactions in Alloys
Influence of Surface Structure on Graphene Formation via Thermal Decomposition of Silicon Carbide
Integrating AI for High-Dimensional Saddle Point Sampling
Machine Learning-Enhanced Multiscale Modeling of Solidification
Machine Learning - Kinetic Monte Carlo Investigation on Sluggish Interstitial Diffusion in Fe-Ni-Cr-Cu-Co High Entropy Alloys
Machine Learning for the Efficient Identification of High-Performance Metal-Doped Transition Metal Compounds for Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis
Machine Learning Potentials for Chemically Complex Alloys
Mechanism-Based Data-Driven Exploration of Complex Concentrated Alloys with Enhanced Mechanical Performance
Mesoscale Investigation of Dislocation-Grain Boundary Interactions in Metals and Alloys
Molecular Dynamic Studies of Strain Rate Effects on Screw Dislocation Mobility In BCC Metals
Multiscale Computation-Experiment Study of Advanced Materials with Characteristic Microstructure
Multiscale Computational Tools and AI Integration Using Chocolate as a Frugal Model System in Self-Driving Lab
Multiscale Modeling for Studying Corrosion-Induced Hydrogen Embrittlement in Zirconium
Neural Network Kinetics: Exploring Diffusion Multiplicity and Chemical Ordering in Compositionally Complex Materials
Pathways to the 7 × 7 Surface Reconstruction of Si(111) Revealed by Machine-Learning Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Peierls-Nabarro Modeling of Dislocations in High Entropy Alloys
Quantifying Chemical Short-Range Order in Metallic Alloys
Rethinking Materials Simulations; Blending Direct Numerical Simulations with Machine-Learning Strategies
Revealing the Impact of Hydrogen on Iron: Large-Scale Quantitative Atomistic Analysis with Highly Accurate and Transferrable Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials
Simulation-Informed Models for Amorphous Metal Mechanical Property Prediction
Study of Xe Binding in Ag-Exchange Chabazite for Radio-Nuclide Absorption
Surrogate Models in First-Principles Statistical Mechanics Methods
The Connection Between Atomistic Defect Clusters and Geometrically Necessary Dislocations in Irradiated Nanocrystals
UF3: Fast and Interpretable MLIP for High-Performance Molecular Dynamics
Understanding Microstructural Evolution Using Graph Attention Networks

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