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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Porous Materials for Energy and Environment Applications
Presentation Title Porous Catalytic Intermetallic Alloys Obtained by Synthesis of Complex Functionally Active Charges
Author(s) Borys Petrovich Sereda, Yuriy Belokon, Irina Kruhliak, Dmytro Sereda
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Irina Kruhliak
Abstract Scope For practical applications, it is advisable to use multicomponent Ni-Al catalysts enriched with cobalt, manganese, and copper. Intermetallic compounds of NiAl3, Ni2Al3, and NiAl compositions obtained under thermochemical pressing conditions were investigated. The intermetallic compound NiA l has 'excellent catalytic characteristics characterized by a multiphase structure containing phases of Ni, NiAl3 and Ni2Al3, which was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis. Regression equations were obtained to determine the effect of cobalt, manganese, and copper concentrations on the catalytic properties, porosity, and reaction surface of the catalyst. The resulting catalyst has a specific surface area of 100 to 120 m2/g and a porosity of 60 to 64%. The recommended optimal composition of the catalyst by weight percentage includes nickel - 30%, cobalt - 10%, manganese - 11%, copper - 2%, and the rest consists of aluminum.


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Structural Phase Transition in the Flexible Coordination Polymer Ni-DBM-Bpy from X-Ray Diffraction Measurements and DFT Calculations
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