About this Abstract |
Meeting |
2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Additive Manufacturing: Advanced Characterization with Synchrotron, Neutron, and In Situ Laboratory-scale Techniques II
Presentation Title |
NOW ON-DEMAND ONLY - In-operando X-ray Scattering Diagnostics to Observe Morphological Transformations during Additive Manufacturing |
Author(s) |
Joshua A. Hammons, Aiden A. Martin, Aurelien Perron, Nicholas Calta, Hunter B. Henderson, Michael Nielsen, Trevor M. Willey, Manyalibo Matthews, Scott McCall, Jonathan R.I. Lee |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Joshua A. Hammons |
Abstract Scope |
Understanding how additive manufacturing changes the microstructure of an alloy facilitates the development of new manufactured alloys with enhanced properties. While much can be learned from before-and-after ex-situ structural characterization of the microstructure, it is often difficult to elucidate the pathways to morphological changes during additive manufacturing. A high-temperature aluminum alloy (Al-8Ce-10Mg) was additively manufactured using Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) and found to have enhanced structural properties, due to the extended mesoscale aggregate structure observed by both SEM and USAXS/WAXS measurements. In operando SAXS/WAXS experiments, obtained during laser processing, reveal the formation of the extended 2-phase aggregate structure that forms upon re-solidification of the initial microstructure, which consists of different morphologies. In this way, LPBF enhances the material properties through the formation of the extended aggregate structure, as well as homogenization that is observed in operando and ex-situ.
This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) under Contract No. DE-AC52–07NA27344 and released under document number LLNL-ABS-824857. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Planned: |