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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Additive Manufacturing Fatigue and Fracture V: Processing-Structure-Property Investigations and Application to Qualification
Presentation Title Damage Tolerant Approach in Additively Manufactured Metallic Materials
Author(s) Mauro Madia, Uwe Zerbst, Tiago Werner
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Mauro Madia
Abstract Scope Damage tolerance counts as one of the most widespread approach to fatigue assessment and surely as one of the most promising in understanding the process-structure-property-performance relationships in additively manufactured metallic materials. Manufacturing defects, surface roughness, microstructural features, short and long crack fatigue propagation, residual stresses and applied loads can be taken into consideration in a fracture mechanics-based fatigue assessment. Many aspects are crucial to the reliable component life prediction. Among those a prominent role is played by an accurate measurement and modelling of the short crack fatigue behavior, and reliable statistical characterization of defects and residual stresses. This work aims at addressing the issues related to both experimental testing, fatigue and fatigue crack propagation, and fracture mechanics-based modelling of fatigue lives. Examples will be provided on an additively manufactured AISI 316 L.
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Cold Spray of Al and 6061 Al Alloy Powders: Effects of Oxide Thickness
Critical Fracture Toughness of Al 6061 Cold Spray Deposits
Damage Tolerant Approach in Additively Manufactured Metallic Materials
Defect-based Fatigue Model for AlSi10Mg Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process
Design of Fatigue Resistant Additive Manufactured Austenitic Stainless Steels
Effect of Defects on Stress State Dependent Fracture of Additively Manufactured Metals
Effect of Laser Power, Laser Spot Size and Hatch Spacing on Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of 316L Stainless Steel Processed via Selective Laser Melting
Effect of Oxide and Hydroxide on Cold Spray of Titanium Particles
Effect of Thickness on Ultrasonic Fatigue Behavior of 316L Stainless Steel Made by Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing
Fatigue Crack Growth and Fracture Toughness Behavior of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Titanium Alloys
Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of Electron Beam Melted (EBM) Titanium Alloy (Ti-6Al-4V): Effect of Crystallographic Texture and Internal Porosity
Implementing Processing Strategies and Unique Hot Isostatic Pressing Treatments to Control Microstructure, Defect Content, and Mechanical Properties of Electron Beam Melted Ti-6Al-4V
Interplay between Geometry, Defects, and Porosity on the Mechanical Behavior of AM Components
Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Hydride-dehydride Ti-6Al-4V Powders: Effect of Hot Isostatic Pressing on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
Laser Powder Bed Fusion of TiTa Alloys: Process Optimisation and Fatigue Properties
Managing Heat Buildup and Standardizing Melt Pool Dimensions in Laser Powder Bed Fusion through a “Powder Moat” Scan Strategy
Mechanical Behavior of Induced Lack of Fusion Flaws in AlSi10Mg
Microstructural Heterogeneity and Mechanical Anisotropy of 18Ni-330 Maraging Steel Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting: The Effect of Build Orientation and Height
Microstructure-based Model Validation and Predictions of Single-build-plate Fatigue Strength Sensitivity for Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V
Notch Sensitivity of AlSi10Mg Aluminum Alloy Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process
Progressive Amplitude Fatigue Performance of Additively Manufactured Stainless Steel Superalloy
Quantifying Layer Uniformity in Ti6Al4V Hybrid Additively Manufactured Samples Using Ultrasound
Quantifying Surface Roughness in Additive Manufactured Ti-6AI-4V Using In-situ X-ray Imaging
State-of-the-Art in Predicting Fatigue Life for Applications in Metal-based Additive Manufacturing
Strain Accumulation during Fatigue and Fracture of Additively Manufactured Ti6Al4V: Experiments and Simulations
Structure-property Relationships to Explain the Elasto-plastic Anisotropy of Additively Manufactured Metal Alloys
Synchrotron Imaging of the Influence of TiB2 in Suppressing Hot Cracking during Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Al-2139
Synergistic Effects of Defects and Microstructure on Fatigue Behavior of LB-PBF Metallic Materials
Tensile and Fatigue Behavior of Cold Sprayed Material Using Heat Treated Feedstock Powders
The Inhomogeneous Microstructure and Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Additively Manufactured with Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication
Towards Validation for Computed Tomography Processes for Additive Manufacturing
Ultrasonic Nondestructive Characterization of Hybrid Additively Manufactured 420 Stainless Steel
Using Post Build Porosity Analysis to Inform Future Build Strategies
Variation and Impact of Surface Roughness on Fatigue in Laser Powder Bed Fusion

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