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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium DMMM5: A Decade of Creating Inclusion and Belonging for Diversity in the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Professions
Presentation Title Which Faculty Diversity Programs Work? Evidence From 600 Colleges and Universities
Author(s) Frank Dobbin
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Frank Dobbin
Abstract Scope Historically white, and male, colleges and universities in the U.S. began to diversify their undergraduate bodies in the 1960s and have made considerable progress since then. But progress on faculty diversity has stalled. That has wide-ranging implications for everything from university completion rates for students of color to the presence of new voices in medical research. Universities deserve much of the blame, for they implemented programs to diversify the faculty that their own social scientists had long known to be ineffective in the business world. An analysis of the efficacy of diversity programs at 600 schools over 20 years sheds light on how universities can build faculties that look more like their students, and the wider society, in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


A Decade of DMMM Impact
Best Practices for Resume Review and Hiring Panels—Hands on Activity
Black Sheep—The Choice is Yours (Revisited)
Breaking Barriers and Materials: Uncovering Constance Tipper's Impact on Metallurgy and Inclusion
Creating a Trauma Informed Environment: A Survivors Perspective
Going International
Materials Research in Industry
Professional Development as a Structural Materials Researcher
Which Faculty Diversity Programs Work? Evidence From 600 Colleges and Universities

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