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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Characterization of Materials through High Resolution Imaging
Presentation Title Indexing Grains: A Comparison between Three-dimensional Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and Electron Backscatter Diffraction Techniques
Author(s) Karim Louca, Hamidreza Abdolvand
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Karim Louca
Abstract Scope Understanding deformation mechanisms of metals and alloys at meso- and nano- scales is necessary for developing predictive models that estimates service life of engineering components. In this study, three-dimensional synchrotron X-ray diffraction (3D-XRD) technique is used to measure the center-of-mass (COM), orientation, volume and elastic strain of individual grains in a pure zirconium specimen. In addition, electron backscatter diffraction technique is used to measure the orientations and morphologies of the grains located at the surface of the same specimen. Indexed grains from both techniques are compared. This is followed by using the weighted Voronoi method to simulate grain morphologies from the 3D-XRD data. The simulated grain map is compared to the one measured by EBSD. It is shown that more than 80 percent of the grain neighbors are correctly matched between the two techniques.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Characterization, Other, Other


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Indexing Grains: A Comparison between Three-dimensional Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and Electron Backscatter Diffraction Techniques
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Optimization Based Approach for 3D Alignment in X-ray Nano-tomography
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Using Phase Field Simulations to Train Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation of Experimental Materials Imaging Datasets
Using the Rotation Vector Base Line Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (RVB-EBSD) Method to Characterize Single Crystal Cast Microstructures
X-ray Based Nanodiffraction to Study Strain in Materials for Nuclear Energy
X-ray Imaging of Three-dimensional Magnetic Systems and Their Dynamics

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