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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Understanding and Predicting Dynamic Behavior of Materials
Presentation Title Informing Flow Stress Models at High Strain-rates Through In-situ Imaging of Hole Closure under Dynamic Compression
Author(s) Jonathan Lind, A.K. Robinson, M. Nelms, Nathan Barton, Mukul Kumar
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jonathan Lind
Abstract Scope The stress at which a material plastically flows depends on the current state of the material, strain-rate, and microstructure among other quantities. Experimental tests at high strain-rates (>103/s) often use measurement of shape change to infer flow stress behavior. Given stress and strain heterogeneities, inferences about flow stress behavior from those observations are facilitated by comparisons with advanced simulations. A new plate-impact experimental test will be described consisting of in-situ x-ray imaging to observe the closure of a cylindrical hole in a sample during the passage of a pressure pulse of controlled amplitude and duration. The rate of hole closure and final hole size are measured through time via multi-frame imaging. The goal being to provide high fidelity data to inform flow stress models at high strain-rates and large strains. We will present experiments on copper that aim to examine the role of starting microstructure. The experimental observations will be compared against predictions from direct numerical simulations using several flow stress models. We will discuss the results, the sensitivity of this new experimental test, and a path forward to informing the models under conditions where data is currently sparse.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


A Continuum Mesoscale Perspective of the Dynamic Response of Metals and Explosives
A Grain Level Investigation of Ductile Failure using High-energy X-ray Characterization
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Application of X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging to Spall in Magnesium Alloy AZ31B
Brittle-ductile Failure Transition of Low-symmetry HCP Metal Beryllium under Dynamic Compression
Calibrating Empirical and Micromechanical Constitutive Models beyond 10^6 s^-1
Characteristics of Texture Development in Al-Mg Alloy under High Strain Rate Tension
Controlled Fragment Impact Experiments for Initiation Response of PBXs
Determination of Equation of State in Polyurea Elastomers via Reverberation and Hydrodynamic Instability Experiments
Dynamic Measurements of Solid Carbon Cluster Growth and Morphology in High Explosives Detonation Products
Dynamics of Necking and Fracture in Ductile Porous Materials
Effect of Heat Treatment on Adiabatic Shear Band Microstructures and Internal Strains using HR-EBSD in Segmented Ti-6Al-4V Chips from Turning
Effects of Strain Rate on the Mechanical Properties and Fracture Mechanisms of AHSS Dual Phase Steels
Experimental and Computational Studies of Laser-driven Shocks through Metal Surface Perturbations and Planar Grooves
Experimental Measurements and Modeling of LatticeTotation around Inter and Transgranular Spall Voids in Shocked Copper Bicrystals
Experimental Study on the Dynamic Behavior of Ti6AL4V ELI
Experiments and Modeling to Explore Dynamic Behavior of Materials via Kolsky Bar at Equilibrium and Beyond
G-29: Laser Induced Shock Compression of Covalently Bonded Planetary Materials
G-30: Iron Response in Extreme Compression and Tension Regimes: Complementary NIF and Janus Experiments
High-throughput Atomistic Investigations of Dynamic Defect responses in Crystalline Materials
In-situ Measurement of Dynamic Stress due to Hyper-velocity Impact Using Nanosecond Resolved Raman Spectroscopy
Influence of Grain Boundary Crystallography on Dynamic Failure (Spall)
Influence of Microstructure on The Dynamic Tensile Extrusion of Tantalum
Informing Flow Stress Models at High Strain-rates Through In-situ Imaging of Hole Closure under Dynamic Compression
Investigating the Mesoscale Evolution of Microstructure during Cold Spray Single Particle Impact of BCC Metallic Powders
Laser Shock Wave Induced Mechanical Response on an Additive Manufacturing Ti6Al4V Alloy
Low-stress Shock Hugoniot of Additively Manufactured 304L Stainless Steel
Mechanical Behavior and Deformation Mechanisms of Mg in Shear Using In-situ Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Diffraction
Mechanical Response and Deformation Modes during High-rate Loading of Multiphase Metal Materials
Meso-scale Topology Effects on the Shock Compression Response of Reactive Powder Mixtures
Mesoscale Modeling of Shock Loading Induced Twinning/De-twinning and Spall Failure Behavior of Ta Microstructures
Micromechanical Methods for Parameterizing Ceramic Failure Models
Modelling the Effect of Microstructure on Elastic Wave Propagation in Platelet-reinforced Composites and Ceramics
Multiscale Modeling to Study Effects of Microstructure in Shocked Hexanitrostilbene
Observation of Metal Particle Deformation inside a Shock Compressed Polymer
On Design Of High-throughput Compact High-explosive Ejecta Source Platform
On the Evolution of Adiabatic Shear Bands in the Beta Titanium Alloy Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al
On the hcp-bcc Phase Transformation in Magnesium Shock Compressed up to 60 GPa
On the Structural Characterization of Amorphous Phase Recovered from Laser Shock Compression
One Dimensional Shock Initiation of the HMX- based Explosive PBX-9012
Predicting Dynamic Strain Rate Response using Model Reification
Role of Shock Loading Orientation and Shock Velocity on the Shock Compression and Spall Behavior of Iron at Atomic Scales
Shock Recompaction of Existing Spall Damage in Copper
Single Crystal Plasticity for the High Rate Deformation of an HMX-based Plastic Bonded Explosive
Slip, Twinning and Phase Transformations in Multiphase Metallic Materials under Shock Loading Conditions
Structure / Property (Constitutive and Dynamic Strength / Damage) Characterization of Additively Manufactured (AM) 316L SS
Sub-surface Observations and Analysis of Indented Polycrystalline Hot-pressed Boron Suboxide (B6O)
The Role of Heterogeneities in Ejecta Production via MD Simulations
Thermodynamic Theory of Crystal Plasticity – Formulation and Application to fcc Copper
Thermodynamics of Pressure-induced Amorphization in Boron Carbide- Unraveling the Mystery through Molecular Dynamic Simulations
Transient State Rheological Behavior of Poly(ethylene glycol) Diacrylate Hydrogels at High Shear Strain Rates
Twinning/Detwinning Behavior of Cu-Ta Trilayer Under Shock Loading Conditions at The Atomic Scale
Understanding and Predicting Damage and Failure at Grain Boundaries in BCC Ta
What Happens to a Microstructurally Stable Nanocrystalline Alloy after Undergoing Shock Loading?

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