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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Solid-State Transformations Under Complex Thermal Conditions
Presentation Title Effect of Partial Transformation Cycling on Transformation Behaviour of a Binary Nickel-Based Alloy
Author(s) Sampath Vedamanickam, Swaminathan Ganesan
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Sampath Vedamanickam
Abstract Scope Some metallic materials possess the capability to revert to their original shape before deformation on exposure to temperature (shape memory effect) or stress (superelastic effect). This is brought about by the reversible phase transformations (austenite to martensite and vice versa). They recover strain as much as 8%. During full cycling, they transform from austenite to martensite, and therefore, the cycling temperatures are between martensite finish (Mf) and austenite finish (Af) temperatures. However, partial cycling occurs before the phase transformation is complete. Consequently, only a limited volume of the phases undergoes phase transformation. Partial cycling is classified into three types based on the operating temperature range and the transformation temperatures of the alloy. This work discusses different types of partial transformation cycling and behaviour of a binary Ni-based alloy during cycling in detail. Keywords: Partial transformation, Transformation temperatures, Austenite, Martensite, Ni-Ti alloy.


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Effect of Partial Transformation Cycling on Transformation Behaviour of a Binary Nickel-Based Alloy
In-Situ Heating in Transmission Electron Microscopy to Characterize Nuclear Fuel
Multi-Stimuli Integration in Alloy Design: A Shear-Assisted Processing Approach for High-Performance Nano-Composite Materials
Predicting Emergence of Nanoscale Order in Surfaces Oxides Through Preferential Interactivity Parameter
Thermal Fatigue of Sn-Based Solders in Heterogenous Integration in Packaging (HIP) by Time-Resolved X-Ray Microscopy
Towards Predictive Microstructural Design of Additively Manufactured Metals
Using the SEAQT Framework to Predict the Kinetics of Irradiating an FeCr Alloy

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