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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Thermodynamics of Materials in Extreme Environments
Presentation Title Non-Ideal Mixing in Entropy Stabilized Oxides
Author(s) William Rosenberg, Stuart Ness, Bhoopesha Mishra, Carlo Segre, Scott J. Mccormack
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Scott J. Mccormack
Abstract Scope There has been a lot of interest in “High” Entropy and/or entropy stabilized materials. However, there has been little studies that dig deep into the thermodynamics and quantify thermodynamic parameters like the excess mixing enthalpy and mixing volume. We measure the enthalpy of mixing between two entropy stabilized oxides (HfTiO4-ZrTiO4) to quantify the enthalpic effects in these disordered materials. These measurements are compared with the anisotropic volume of mixing. The enthalpy of mixing in HfTiO4-ZrTiO4 was found to be negative with respect to HfTiO4 and ZrTiO4 end-members. This suggests that there is local ordering when comparing the HfTiO4-ZrTiO4 solid solution to HfTiO4 and ZrTiO4 entropy stabilized end members. This non-ideal mixing was observed in the anisotropic molar volume of mixing, where the excess strain was confined predominantly to the b-direction. EXAFS data has been used to probe the local structure to determine nearest neighbor cation coordinations within the solid solution.


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Magnetic Properties of Non-Crystalline Ho2Ti2O7 Pyrochlore Prepared by Far-From-Equilibrium Processing
Non-Ideal Mixing in Entropy Stabilized Oxides
Predictive Modeling of the Structure and Thermodynamics of Molten Salts
Quantifying the Athermal Effect of Electric Current on Solid-Solid Phase Transformation of Titanium
Thermochemistry of RE2O3-P2O5 Systems
Thermodynamic Modeling of Molten Salt for Nuclear Applications: Challenges and Opportunities

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