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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Late News Poster Session
Presentation Title Microstructural Effect on the Resistance to Fatigue Crack Growth of High-entropy Alloys
Author(s) Jo Won Hui, Chohyeon Lee, Jae Bok Seol, Hyokyung Sung
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jo Won Hui
Abstract Scope High-entropy alloys (HEA) has been found to display its superior damage tolerance achieved by the slip planarity and deformation twinning. In the fatigue crack growth (FCG) behavior, the tendency for slip reversibility, originating from a relatively large grain size, were contributed to a higher the threshold stress intensity factor range (ΔKth). In this study, FCG behavior of HEAs with different microstructure was studied under the load ratio of 0.1 at room temperature. Despite increase in grain size to 100 μm, the increment of ΔKth value is restricted compared to the specimen with smaller grain size (30 μm). ΔKth value of the LT specimen is higher than that of the TL specimen due to anisotropic direction of sub-grain structures. Therefore, a systematic study of the FCG behavior enabled to understand the microstructural dependence of ΔKth value in HEAs.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided
Keywords High-Entropy Alloys, Mechanical Properties, Other


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Microstructural Effect on the Resistance to Fatigue Crack Growth of High-entropy Alloys
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Ultra-fast 4D-STEM Detector for Rapid Nanoscale Strain/Phase Mapping

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