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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium 100 Years and Still Cracking: A Griffith Fracture Symposium
Presentation Title Transformation-induced Cracking in ZrO2 Shape-memory Ceramics: towards Cyclic Stability in Polycrystals
Author(s) Edward Pang, Isabel R. Crystal, Christopher A. Schuh
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Edward Pang
Abstract Scope A new class of shape memory materials has been proposed based on ZrO2-based ceramics, which offer higher martensitic transformation stresses, work output, transformation temperatures, and possibly environmental resistance compared to metallic shape-memory alloys. Despite these potential benefits, shape memory ceramics (SMCs) have not yet lived up to their potential because they are limited by catastrophic cracking during the martensitic transformation. Recent work in the group has focused on characterizing and understanding transformation-induced cracking in bulk specimens. In this talk, we will present recent results evaluating the effect of grain structure on crack evolution during thermal cycling of single- and poly-crystalline bulk specimens. We will also overview our recent efforts to suppress transformation cracking by compositional tuning to minimize mismatch stresses in polycrystals. Together, these studies aid our understanding of transformation-induced cracking and pave the way towards repeatable shape memory and superelastic behavior in polycrystalline SMCs.
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2,000 Years and Still Getting Dull: Mechanisms of Blade Chipping
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A Length-scale Independent Phase-Field Model for Quantitative Prediction of Ductile Fracture
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Imaging the Chemo-mechanical Coupled Fracture in Metal Passivation Layer by In-situ TEM
Improving Metal-polymer Adhesion through Alloy Development
In-situ Fracture along Distinct Interface Types
In Situ Observations and Measurements of Local Plastic Deformation and Fracture with 4D-STEM
Introductory Comments: 100 Years and Still Cracking: A Griffith Fracture Symposium
Leveraging Griffith’s Energy Balance in Extreme Environments
Modeling Insights into Micro Single-Edge Bend Fracture Toughness Testing of Multilayered Metal-ceramic Cu/TiN and Al/TiN Nanocomposite Thin Films
Modeling Mechanics of Nanoparticles: Everything but Size
Nanomechanics of Amorphous Silica: From Mechanical to Fracture Properties
On the Fracture of Multi-element Metallic Alloys
On the Transition from Shear Banding to Fracture in Metals: In Situ Analysis of Plastic Flow and Deformation Fields
Probing Small-scale Fracture and Plasticity in Quasicrystals and High-entropy Alloys
Quantitative Phase-Field Modeling of Crack Propagation in Multi-Phase Material Based on Griffith’s Fracture Theory
Reversing Griffith after 100 Years: Mechanics of the Solid-state Bonding
The Clamped Beam Bending as a Length Scale Compatible Fracture Test Geometry
The Curious Phenomenon of Prince Rupert's Drops
The Maximum Limit of Compressive Strength and Hardness of Nanocrystalline MgAl2O4 Spinel
The Role of Fracture in the Reduction of Iron Ore with Hydrogen
Transformation-induced Cracking in ZrO2 Shape-memory Ceramics: towards Cyclic Stability in Polycrystals

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