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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Progressive Solutions to Improve Corrosion Resistance of Nuclear Waste Storage Materials
Presentation Title SiON Protective Coatings for U-shaped Stainless Steel
Author(s) Hyeon Joon Choi, Kathy Lu
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Hyeon Joon Choi
Abstract Scope Spent nuclear fuel (SNF) canisters are primarily composed of welded stainless steel, which should remain isolated from corrosive environments to prevent stress corrosion cracking (SCC). SiON coatings can improve the corrosion resistance and therefore lifetime of SNF canisters. In the current work, SiON coatings on a U-shaped stainless steel substrate were developed using a preceramic precursor named perhyhydropolysilazne (PHPS) through a dip coater. The coating thickness and microstructure were controlled along different local locations of the substrate. The applied coating was crosslinked at 120 oC followed by pyrolysis at 800 oC to form a uniform SiON coating. Further, a comparative study of the SiON coatings applied on a curved surface and a flat surface was carried out. The changes in the corrosion resistance of the coating were investigated in those substrate locations.


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SiON Protective Coatings for U-shaped Stainless Steel
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