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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances in Surface Engineering VII
Presentation Title Unlocking Tribological Performance of Silver-Infused Cu-Al2O3 Self-Lubricating Cermet
Author(s) Subin Antony Jose
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Subin Antony Jose
Abstract Scope This study investigates the tribological properties of cold-sprayed (CS) coatings comprising Cu, Cu-Al2O3, and Cu-Al2O3-Ag at room temperature and under high-temperature sliding conditions. The composite coatings feedstock maintained a constant 50 vol.% Al2O3 concentration, while Cu-Al2O3-Ag had Ag infused at 5 and 10 vol.%, maintaining an overall 50 vol.% of metallic content. Dry sliding tests using Al2O3 pins were carried out at 25°C and 450°C to study the tribological performance of the coatings. While the inclusion of Ag notably decreased the coefficient of friction (COF) at elevated temperatures, no distinct trend in COF was observed for the tests conducted at 25°C. The composite coating containing 5 vol.% Ag exhibited superior friction and wear performance at 25°C and 450°C. The study delves into the role of Ag in the retention of ceramic particles during the CS process, and the mechanisms underlying the enhanced self-lubrication performance of the cermet coatings.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Composites, Characterization, Copper / Nickel / Cobalt


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Unlocking Tribological Performance of Silver-Infused Cu-Al2O3 Self-Lubricating Cermet
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