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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances and Discoveries in Non-equilibrium Driven Nanomaterials and Thin Films
Presentation Title Exploring Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Bi-Metallic Materials with Unique Magneto-Optical Properties
Author(s) Philip D. Rack
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Philip D. Rack
Abstract Scope Bimetallic materials with magnetic and plasmonic responses are candidates for enhanced bioimaging and therapeutics. We will overview our recent work exploring magneto-plasmonic materials in the AgxNi1-x, AuxNi1-x, AuxCo1-x systems. Combinatorial co-sputtering is used to deposit thin films and the composition and microstructure are correlated to the substrate position. Fast quenching from the vapor phase results in supersaturated solid solutions of the otherwise low miscibility equilibrium materials. Pulsed laser induced dewetting is used to rapidly melt sub 20 nm thick films, which induces dewetting of the film and generates functional nanoparticles. The optical and magnetic properties of the alloys in various equilibrium and non-equilibrium states will be overviewed. We will also overview an in situ laser delivery system equipped onto our scanning transmission electron microscope, and show photothermal in situ phase separation as well as excited state electron energy loss spectroscopy to reveal the plasmonic nearfield properties of the materials.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Phase Transformations, Magnetic Materials, Thin Films and Interfaces


Aggregation Dynamics in Nanoceria Under Polymerization of Ce Ions
Atomic-Scale Identification and Manipulation of NV Centers in Nanodiamond
B-41: Next-Generation Interconnects: Ruthenium and Ruthenium Alloys for Improved EM Resistance and Low Resistivity
B-8: Conversion of c-Si and a-Si to Q-Si Phases by Ion Irradiation
Characterization of High Quality Epitaxially Grown Diamond Thin Films
Controlled Kirkendall Voiding in Al-Au and Cu-Au Thin Films by Adjusting Sputtering Parameters
Creation of Multi-Principal Element Alloy Nanoparticles Via Nanosecond Laser-Induced Dewetting
Decoupling Irradiation-Induced Heterogeneities in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors Through Atomic Scale Mapping of Optical Modes and Infrared Excitations
Design of Oxide Thin Films Towards Memristive Switching and Neuromorphic Computing
Discovery of Novel Q-Phases of Materials and Impact on Technology
Electron Beam Holography and Characterization of Defects in Multilayered Semiconductor Thin Films
Emerging 2D Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Thin Films for Next-Generation Optoelectronic Devices
Enthalpy-Driven Self-Healing in Thin Metallic Films on Flexible Substrates
Exploring Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Bi-Metallic Materials with Unique Magneto-Optical Properties
Exploring Multi Element Nanoparticles for Sustainable Catalysts
Exsolution-Self-Assembly in Entropy Designed Oxide Thin Films
From Oxide Epitaxy to Membranes: Opportunities and Challenges
Functional Trimethylsilane Plasma Nanocoatings for Surface Modification of Cardiovascular Stents and Silver Nanowires
Graphene Infused Copper with Ultrahigh Electrical Conductivity Prepared by the Flash Method
Harnessing Compositional Complexity with Non-Equilibrium Synthesis
Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Thin Film Deposition by Resonant Infrared, Matrix-Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation
Hydrogen Induced Resistive Switching in Perovskite Nickelate Thin Films
Hyperdoping: Doping TiO2 Beyond Thermodynamic Limits Using Flash Sintering
Integration of BaTiO3 on Si: from Ferroelectricity to Giant Electrostriction
Interfacial Coupling at Bismuthate-Titanate Heterointerfaces
Light Assisted Resistive Switching Behaviour of PLD Grown VO2/TiO2 Thin Films
Macro-Equimolar High Entropy Spinel Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Mechanisms of Defect Formation in Physical Vapor Deposited Phase-Separating Alloy Films: A Phase Field Study
Perspective on Diamond for Quantum Applications (Invited)
Photophysics of Quantum Defects in Layered Materials
Process Dependent Work Function of Carbide Forming Refractory Metals
Self-Assembly of Plasmonic Networks Via Far from Equilibrium Chemical Dealloying
Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of 2D Metal Chalcogenophosphates for Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices
Tensile-Strained Self-Assembly for Novel Quantum and Photonic Nanomaterials
Thin Film Growth on Mica: Challenges, Opportunities, and Applications for Micatronics

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