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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium High Temperature Electrochemistry V
Presentation Title Evaluating the Electrochemical Recovery of Gd Using a Reactive Liquid Bi Electrode
Author(s) Stephanie Castro Baldivieso, Sanghyeok Im, Nathan D. Smith, Hojong Kim
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Stephanie Castro Baldivieso
Abstract Scope Electrochemical transition of Gd3+ ions in LiCl-KCl-GdCl3 electrolyte was investigated using an inert W electrode at 700–1048 K and a liquid Bi electrode at 873 K. The Gd3+/Gd(s) transition was studied using cyclic voltammetry to characterize the peak potentials, currents, and the diffusivity of Gd3+ ions in molten salts. In contrast, the Gd3+/Gd(in Bi) transition was investigated at various current densities (10–150 mA/cm2) to estimate the coulombic efficiency and current-dependent overpotentials, in complement with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). High coulombic efficiency of Gd deposition (>99%) was achieved based on deposition-removal of Gd into/from the liquid Bi electrode and facile charge transfer and mass transport kinetics was evident from EIS measurements. These findings suggest efficient recovery of Gd using liquid Bi, leveraging their strong interactions (i.e., low activity of Gd in liquid Bi) by mitigating side reactions, e.g., dissolution of Gd metal in molten salts.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Other, Other, Other


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Evaluating the Electrochemical Recovery of Gd Using a Reactive Liquid Bi Electrode
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Study of Potentiometry for Monitoring Activity of GdCl3 in Molten LiCl-KCl Salt
The Demonstration and Optimization of Thin-cell Electrochemical Measurements in Molten LiCl-KCl Eutectic
The Impact of Moisture on the Electrochemical Behavior of Molten Calcium Chloride
Thermodynamic Properties of Nd-Fe Alloys via EMF Measurements in Molten Salts

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