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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Materials vs Minerals: Bridging the Gap between Materials Science and Earth and Planetary Science
Presentation Title Deformation of Pyrometric Cones and Coal Ash Cones at High Temperatures
Author(s) Peter Hsieh
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Peter Hsieh
Abstract Scope The high temperature phase stability of sedimentary minerals is important in the multiphase thermophysical modeling of pyrometric cone deformation, coal ash fusibility, and pyrometamorphism in geology. Quartz, clays, and fluxing minerals such as iron oxides are the principal components of both traditional ceramics and coal ash. The onset of liquid phase sintering plays an important role in the firing of traditional ceramics and coal ash management in boilers and gasifiers. Thermophysical modeling suggests that a correlation exists between the end-point deformation temperatures of pyrometric cones and their corresponding Littleton softening-point temperatures as calculated through the Einstein-Roscoe equation. The same analysis applied to 4726 coal ash records from the U.S. Geological Survey Coal Quality database suggests that two-phase viscous flow also plays an important role in the measurement of coal ash fusibility temperatures. The findings are examined in the context of high-temperature rotary viscometry data from two synthetic coal ash slags.


Deformation of Pyrometric Cones and Coal Ash Cones at High Temperatures
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Introductory Comments: Materials vs Minerals: Bridging the Gap between Materials Science and Earth and Planetary Science
New Worlds - New Chemistry
Quantum Mechanical Modeling of Mineral-water Interfaces with Surface Defects
Thermodynamic Modeling of Al-Ti-rich Pyroxene Solid Solutions: Deducing the Nebular Conditions of Condensation of Ti+3 and Ti+4 Oxidation States
Thermodynamic Origins of the First Solids in the Solar System: The Need for Computational Materials Science
Uncertainty of Phase Equilibrium

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