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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Powder Metallurgy of Light, Reactive and Other Non-ferrous Metals
Presentation Title Deformation-free Refinement of Prior β Grain Size in Powder Metallurgical Titanium Alloys
Author(s) Daniel O. Lewis, James D Paramore, Brady Butler, Griffin Turner, Trevor Hastings
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Daniel O. Lewis
Abstract Scope Due to high cost of titanium alloys, there is a significant incentive to develop near net shape processes to improve utilization of titanium, such as powder metallurgy (PM). However, titanium PM often results in parts with a coarse microstructure, which compromises mechanical properties when compared to traditionally produced wrought parts. One method of creating PM titanium parts with fine microstructures and wrought-like properties is Hydrogen Sintering and Phase Transformation (HSPT). HSPT has been shown to produce excellent tensile and fatigue properties, but has a hierarchical structure with coarse prior β grains, which may limit performance. This study aimed to examine non-deformation-based means to refine the prior β grains in order to further improve mechanical properties. To this end, various quenching and heat treatments were incorporated into HSPT. Additionally, thorough characterization of microstructure and mechanical behavior were used to evaluate the efficacy of these processing methodologies.


By-products from Laser-material Interactions in Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Metal Powders
Deformation-free Refinement of Prior β Grain Size in Powder Metallurgical Titanium Alloys
Diffusion Behavior and Mechanical Properties of the Aluminum / Tungsten Metallic System
Hot Isostatic Pressing of Niobium-based Refractory Alloy Powders
Influence of Powder Characteristics, Temperature and Cooling Rate on the Development of the Properties in Ni-Superalloys Processed Using Powder Hot Isostatic Pressing
The Role of Processing and Texture on the Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of Powder Metallurgy Processed Ti-6Al-4V

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