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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Materials Corrosion Behavior in Advanced Nuclear Reactor Environments II
Presentation Title In-Situ Characterization of Heavy Liquid Metal Eutectic During Corrosion Using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICPMS)
Author(s) Nicole Virgili
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Nicole Virgili
Abstract Scope The design of the Breeding Blanket in Tokamak fusion energy systems has to guarantee sufficient operation availability in addition to its functions, that are, tritium breeding self-sufficiency, power extraction and shielding, under extremely harsh operating conditions in terms of heat flux and neutron dose as well as chemical environment of the coolant and breeder that challenge structural materials. Regarding corrosion in Water Cooled Lithium Lead Breeding Blanket, it is crucial to quantify the solubility of corrosion products in the liquid metal. This experiment conducted at UC Berkeley laboratory aims to outline a systematic approach to quantify the solubility of corrosion products in heavy liquid metals as a function of temperature using in-situ LA-ICPMS characterization. This technique consists in putting very small corrosion cells (cell material is the steel of interest - EUROFER) in the LA-ICPMS system and measure corrosion products content (Ni, Fe, Cr) in the liquid metal.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Nuclear Materials, Other, Other


Alumina Scale Stability Under Combined High Temperature Liquid Metal Corrosion and Neutron Irradiation
Corrosion of Advanced Materials Exposed to High Temperature Helium
Development and Construction of a Liquid Lead-Lithium Loop at UNM
Effects of Sodium Exposure on Tensile Properties of Advanced Reactor Materials
Evaluating Compatibility of Structural Materials for a FLiBe Fusion Breeder Blanket
Evaluation of Compatibility of Steel, Vanadium Materials and Steel-Insulator-Steel Structures With High Temperature Liquid Lithium
Impact of Oxidation and Helium Irradiation-Induced Defects in Fe-18Cr Samples
In-Situ Characterization of Heavy Liquid Metal Eutectic During Corrosion Using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICPMS)
Influence of Proton Irradiation on Corrosion in Liquid Lead
Liquid Lithium Corrosion of Structural Fusion Materials
Microstructural Evolution in 316L Stainless Steel Under Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Corrosion
Thermomechanical, Lead Corrosion and Thermal Stability Assessment of Innovative Alumina Forming Austenitic Alloys for LFRs

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