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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Progress towards Understanding the Synthesis and Behavior of Metals Far from Equilibrium: A SMD Symposium Honoring Enrique Lavernia on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday
Presentation Title Trimodal Composites: An Overview
Author(s) Julie M. Schoenung
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Julie M. Schoenung
Abstract Scope Metal matrix composites provide a degree of design flexibility that is not attainable with homogeneous materials. Extensive research on MMC design often includes topics such as tailoring of reinforcement size, morphology and material composition. Trimodal composites, consisting of coarse grain matrix regions and ultrafine grain matrix regions embedded with hard ceramic particles, represent an interesting intersection of MMCs with nanostructured metals. In this presentation, the processing, microstructure evolution, and mechanical behavior of trimodal composites (specifically, Al alloys reinforced with boron carbide) will be reviewed. Relevant length scales range from nanoscale through macroscale, with significant emphasis on designing and understanding the role of interfaces, using both in-situ and ex-situ techniques. Performance enhancements provided by trimodal composites include not only significant increases in strength, but more importantly the ability to selectively design for desired strength and ductility combinations. Future opportunities to expand the applications for these materials will also be discussed.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


A Novel Processing Route for Fe-TiB2 High Modulus Steel by Nano-treating and Regular Casting
A Precise DSC-based Methodology to Pinpoint in situ Crystallinity Percent in Amorphous Systems
AlFeNiTi Compositionally Complex Alloys
Amorphization of Covalently-bonded Solids in Laser-induced Shock: A New Deformation Mechanism in Extreme Loading
Characterization of Twin-twin Interactions in Mg
Compositional and Structural Evolution of Passivation Layers in Heat- and Humidity-treated Aluminum Powder for Cold Spray Applications
Computed Tomography: A New Frontier for Material Characterization
Controlling Grain Boundaries (GBs) in Processing and Properties: From Computing GB Diagrams to Understanding Embrittlement and Stabilizing Nanoalloys
Cryogenic Milling and Spark Plasma Sintering of Commercially Pure Ti and Metastable Beta Ti15Mo Alloy
Design, Fabrication and Characterization of FeAl-based Metallic-Intermetallic Laminate (MIL) Composites
Development of New Magnesium Based Medium Entropy Alloys: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
Effects of Processing and Grain size on Very High Strain Rate Deformation of Cu
Electrodeposition of Nanostructured Nickel Foils
Enrique J. Lavernia – A Retrospective View of his Accomplishments and Contributions
Experimental Observations of CALPHAD Predicted Phases in High-entropy Alloys
Fabrication of Oxides and Semiconductors with Non Equilibrium Phase Content
Formation of Non-Equilibrium Phases by Electrodeposition and a Novel Additive Manufacturing Process of Meniscus-confined Electrodeposition
From Far-from-Equilibrium Fabrication to Far-from-Equilibrium Investigation – a Case Study for Mg/Mg Alloys at EJL Lab and Beyond
Hetero-deformation Induced (HDI) Hardening in Heterostructured Materials
Hierarchical Microstructural Paradigms for Simultaneous Enhancement of Strength and Ductility
High-strength and Thermal Stability of Nanotwinned Al Alloys
High-throughput Alloy Design of Advanced Materials Using Additive Manufacturing
Hot Corrosion Degradation of Gas Turbine Materials Subject to Mixed-mode Thermal Exposures and Emerging Complex Corrosion Environments
Materials Genomics: Designing Systems Far from Equilibrium
Micro-structure and Mechanical Behavior of Metallic Parts Made using Powder Bed Process Additive Manufacturing
Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Behavior of an AlCoCrCuFeNi High Entropy Alloy during Non-equilibrium Powder Metallurgical Processing
Microstructurally Stable Nanocrystalline Mg Alloys
Microstructure-property Development During Directed Energy Deposition of Austenitic Stainless Steels
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Nanostructured High Entropy Alloy Processed via Cryogenic Rolling
Microstructure and Texture in Cryomilled and Sintered Ti Grade 2
Microstructure of Additively Manufactured and Laser Melted 316L Stainless Steel
Moving Closer to Equilibrium but Maintaining the Defects (and the Properties)
Nanomechanical Testing of Spark Plasma Sintered Stainless Steel Parts
Nanotechnology Enabled Metallurgy for New Age of Metals
New Electron Microscopy Techniques for Determination of Local Structural Features during Plastic Deformation
Novel Microstructures from Non-equilibrium Processing of Metal Powder
Phase Separation in a Ni-Al-Cr-Re Alloy: Kinetics and Thermodynamics Coupled with Atom-probe Tomography
Predictive Multiphase Evolution in Al-containing High-entropy Alloys
Processing Pathways to Stabilized Nanocrystalline Structures
Real Space Charge Density Imaging with Sub-Å Resolution by 4D STEM
Recent Findings on Paradoxes of Severe Plastic Deformation
Review of Thermal Stability of Nanocrystalline and Nanostructured Materials and Methods how to Control it
Role of Laser Surface Modification on Microstructure and Response of a Magnesium Alloy
Severe Plastic Deformation Enhanced Segregation and Precipitation in Nanostructured Steels
Sputter Deposited Nanotwinned NiMoW Alloys with Impressive Properties and Stability
Structural and Chemical Disorder Towards Advanced Materials
Targeted Processing of Nanocrystalline Alloys to Elicit Nonequilibrium Interfacial States
Targeting Specific Nanotwin Configurations in Sputter Deposited Alloys to Enable Systematic Investigation of Dislocation-twin Interactions
Thermal Stability of Nanostructured Ferritic and Austenitic Stainless Steels
Time-Resolved Characterization of Far-from-equilibrium Microstructure Evolution During Rapid Solidification
Tracer Impregnated nc-materials and Dissolvable Solids for Controlled & Bulk Release Machinable into Downhole Tools for Sensing and Characterization
Trimodal Composites: An Overview
Ultrafine-grained and Nanocrystalline Steels for Enhanced Mechanical Properties and Irradiation Resistance
Using High-pressure Torsion for the Processing of Ultra-strong Bulk Solids

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