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Meeting 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium REWAS 2022: Energy Technologies and CO2 Management
Presentation Title NOW ON-DEMAND ONLY - Circored Fine Ore Direct Reduction Plus DRI Smelting - Proven Technologies for the Transition towards Green Steel
Author(s) Sebastian Lang, Timo Haimi, Max Koepf, Roberto Valery
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Roberto Valery
Abstract Scope The hydrogen based direct reduction of iron ore plus EAF is widely discussed to replace the BF-BOF route and reduce the carbon footprint of steelmaking. One alternative to shaft furnaces is Metso:Outotec’s Circored process. Fine ore as feed for fluidized bed reactors is eliminating the cost and energy intensive pelletizing. As the only direct reduction process using 100% hydrogen as reductant, Circored has already proven its functionality in an industrial scale pilot plant. Direct charging of hot DRI to a smelter would further increase the energy efficiency. Metso:Outotec’s rectangular 6-in-line smelting furnace combines a flash smelter body and Söderberg electrodes. This DRI smelting solution can replace small/medium sized BFs and produce hot metal with desired carbon content in existing steel plants with BOF-converters. The big furnace volume enables to process low grade iron ore with high gangue content and thus the use of BF-grade feed for DRI production.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Iron and Steel, Environmental Effects, Process Technology


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Macroscopic Modeling and Phase Field Modeling of Solar Grade Silicon by Molten Salt Electrolysis
Modes of Operation, Design, and Experiments in a Laboratory Solar Convective Furnace System
NOW ON-DEMAND ONLY - Circored Fine Ore Direct Reduction Plus DRI Smelting - Proven Technologies for the Transition towards Green Steel
Power to Hydrogen the Prospects of Green Hydrogen Production Potential in Africa
Radiative Cooling: Harnessing the Cold of Space as a Renewable Thermodynamic Resource
Review on Hydrotalcite-derived Material from Waste Metal Dust, a Solid Adsorbent for CO2 Capture: Challenges and Opportunities in South African Coal Fired Thermal Plant
Silicon-production from SiO-gas via Gas-phase Reactions
Solidification of Salt Hydrate Eutectics Using Multiple Nucleation Agents
Synthesis Methods for Nanoparticle Morphology Control in Clean Energy Applications
The Influence of H2 and CO Atmospheres on SiO Formation
Thermoeconomics and Dyanamics of Orange Hydrogen Production, an Energy Matter
To Decarbonize Industry, We Must Decarbonize Heat
Treatment of an Indigenous Lepidolite Ore for Sustainable Energy Considerations

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