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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances in Multi-Principal Element Alloys IV: Mechanical Behavior
Presentation Title Alloy Design, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties of CoFeNi Medium Entropy Alloy with Vanadium and Carbon Addition
Author(s) Hamshini Rajendran, Reza Gholizadeh, Yoshida Shuhei, Tsuji Nobuhiro
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Hamshini Rajendran
Abstract Scope This study investigated the impact of C and V additions on enhancing the mechanical properties of CoFeNi FCC-based MEA. Ingots of (CoFeNi)90-XV10CX (X = 0, 1.35, 3.2 at%) were fabricated by vacuum arc-melting. The addition of V and C led to the formation of a novel hypoeutectic microstructure comprising an FCC matrix and sub-micrometer-sized V-rich carbides. Notably, the volume fraction of carbides increased from ~4% in C1.35 to ~10% in C3.2 alloy. Subsequent cold rolling (85% reduction in thickness) and annealing (800°C-700°C) resulted in heterogeneous recrystallized microstructures, with ultrafine FCC grains in carbide-rich regions, and relatively larger grains in carbide-free regions. These carbide-reinforced bimodal grain structures significantly improved strength, with alloy C3 showing ~50% and ~30% increase in YS and UTS respectively compared to the reference alloy(C0), along with ~30% total elongation. This presentation offers insights into the thermo-mechanical processing of hypoeutectic microstructures and the strengthening mechanisms of V-and-C-added CoFeNi alloys.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords High-Entropy Alloys, Characterization, Mechanical Properties


100+ Fold Acceleration in Multi-Objective Alloy Development: Application of the BIRDSHOT Framework to the Efficient Exploration of FCC HEA Alloy Spaces
A Molecular Dynamics Multi-Particle Model for Modeling Hot-Press Sintering Process of HEAs Combined with Phase-Field Simulation
Achieving High Strength and Ductility in Single-Phase Refractory Multi-Principle-Element Alloys via DFT-Guided Tailoring of Chemical Short-Range Order
Additive Manufacturing of Emerging Complex Alloys
Alloy Design, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties of CoFeNi Medium Entropy Alloy with Vanadium and Carbon Addition
Bidirectional Transformation in a Low Energy Interface Engineered Metastable High Entropy Alloy Under Dynamic Loading
Characteristic Dislocation Slips in Polycrystalline HfNbTiZr Equi-Atomic Alloy
Cluster-Model-Based Composition Design Method for High-Entropy Alloys
CMT-Associated Superior Mechanical Properties in Multi-Principal Element Alloys
Competition Between Faulting Plasticity and Transformation-Induced Plasticity at Cryogenic Temperatures
Composition Design of Refractory High-Entropy Alloys with Machine Learning Models
Compositional Effect on Microstructure and Deformation Behavior of Metastable Refractory High-Entropy Alloys
Computational Design of Cost-Effective High-Entropy Thermal/Environmental Barrier Coatings
Controllable Structure and Superior Mechanical Properties of Metallic Glasses through Atomic Manufacturing
Damage Tolerance in bcc vs. fcc High-Entropy Alloys
Deciphering the Operative Micromechanisms Affecting the Strain Rate Sensitivity in (FeCrNi)99Si1 Medium Entropy Alloy
Deformation Induced Transformation in Metastability Engineered Alloys
Design of High Performance Fe-Based Superalloys for Elevated Temperature Applications
Design of L12 Precipitation-Strengthened Face-Centered-Cubic High-Entropy Alloys
Development of Ductile Refractory High Entropy Alloys with High Strength via Controlling Cold-Rolling and Annealing Process
Direct Ink Writing and Sintering of Micro-Lattices with Multi-Principal Element Alloys with High Specific Mechanical Properties
Disordered Enthalpy-Entropy Descriptor for High-Entropy Ceramics Discovery
Ductile and Plastic HfTaTiNbZr Refractory High Entropy Alloys Studied with In Situ Neutron Diffraction
E-10: Harnessing Defects for Enhanced Strength in Medium Entropy Alloys
E-11: Heterogeneous Failure Mechanisms in an Eutectic High Entropy Alloy Under High Strain-Rate Loading
E-12: High-Density Nanoprecipitates and Phase Reversion via Maraging Enable Ultrastrong Yet Strain-Hardenable Medium-Entropy Alloy
E-13: In-Situ Compression of Al5Co35CrFe20Ni5 Alloy Studied Using Synchrotron Radiation
E-14: In-Situ Deformation Study of Non-Shearable Nanodispersion Strengthened Refractory Complex Concentrated Alloys
E-15: Investigation of Elastic and Plastic Deformation Behavior of Nature Selected Refractory High Entropy Alloy
E-16: Low Cycle Fatigue of a Medium Entropy Alloy with Short-Range Ordering
E-17: Mechanical Behavior of 16 Refractory High Entropy Alloys Under Compressive and Tensile Stress: A Molecular Dynamics Study
E-18: Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Behavior of HfTiZrNbx Refractory High-Entropy Alloys Under Different Annealing Conditions
E-19: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of In-Situ TiC Reinforced TaNbVTi High Entropy Alloy Matrix Composites
E-1: A Machine Learning Approach for the Prediction of Formability and Thermodynamic Stability of Refractory Compositionally Complex Alloy Containing Mo and W
E-20: Modeling Dense Alloys in Discrete Dislocation Dynamics
E-21: Overcoming Strength-Ductility Trade-Off Through Periodic Spinodal Decomposition in Ferrous Medium-Entropy Alloy
E-22: Oxidation Behavior of Low-Density Non-Equiatomic AlCuFeNiTi High Entropy Alloy
E-23: Refractoriness, Thermal Expansion Behavior and Microstructure Stability at 1200°C of an Equimolar Cast CoNiFeCr Alloy and Its Versions with Addition of Titanium or of Tantalum
E-24: Revealing the Deformation Mechanism Competition in Multi-Principal Element Alloys by Nanobending Experiments
E-25: Significant Improvement of Strain Hardening Through Massive Coherent Boundaries in Nano-Lamellar Structured Complex-Concentrated Alloys
E-26: Stretch Formability and Cryogenic Environmental Applicability of Fex(CoNi)90-xCr10 Ferrous Medium-Entropy Alloys
E-27: The Rule of Mixtures, A New Evans-Polanyi-Semenov Relation, and Twinning Predictions for High Entropy Transition Metal Ceramics
E-28: Tribological Stress Field Model Validation by Using Deformation Twins as Probes
E-29: Unveiling Yield Strength of High Entropy Alloys Using Physics-Enhanced Machine Learning Under Diverse Experimental Conditions
E-2: As-Cast Microstructure, Hardness and High Temperature Creep Behavior of an Equimolar CoNiFeCr Alloy; Effects of a Ti or Ta Addition
E-30: Welding-Driven Compositional Heterogeneity Enhances Cryogenic Mechanical Properties in Metastable Ferrous Medium-Entropy Alloy Welds
E-3: Development of γ'-Strengthened Medium-Entropy Alloys with Mitigated Mechanical Instability at Extremely Low Temperatures
E-46: In situ Neutron Diffraction Study on L12-Precipitation-Strengthened (FeCoNi)86Al7Ti7 High Entropy Alloy
E-47: High and Moderate Temperature Deformation Modeling of High Entropy Alloys
E-4: Effect of Microstructure on Hot Deformation and Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of WMoFeNi MPEA Alloy Regulating Alloy Composition
E-52: Effect of Ti Addition on Strengthening and Deformation Mechanism of Ni-Rich High Entropy Alloy Synthesized via Spark Plasma Sintering: An Experimental and Atomistic Approach
E-5: Effect of Processing Route on the Morphology of Fe-Rich Phase and Concurrent Mechanical Response in Cu-Rich Compositionally Complex Alloy
E-6: Effects of Molybdenum and Silicon Co-doping on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy
E-7: Enhanced Strain Hardening During Plastic Deformation of FCC Multi-Principal Element Alloys with L12 Nanodomains
E-8: Establishing Composition-Temperature-Grain-Strength Relationship of FCC Complex Concentrated Alloys
E-9: Expansion of Natural Mixing Guided Design via Understanding the Solidification Behavior
E50: Enhancement of Mechanical Properties of Ni-Based ODS HEA by Optimization of Oxide Dispersoid Content
Effect of SFE on Mechanical Properties in Co-Cr-Mo-Ni Medium Entopy Alloys
Effects of Cerium Addition and Post-Annealing on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy Films
Electronic Descriptors for Dislocation Deformation Behavior and Intrinsic Ductility in bcc High-Entropy Alloys
Engineering Multi-Principal Element Alloys for Hard Metal Binders
Exploring Innovative Nanoscale Structures and Phases in High-Entropy Alloy Nanoparticles Through Femtosecond Laser Ablation
Factors Affecting Calculated Properties of High-Entropy Alloys (HEAs) Using Density Functional Theory
Formation of Local Chemical Ordering in FCC HEAs and Its Effect on the Deformation Behaviors
Fracture Resistance of Refractory High-Entropy Alloys
Fracture Toughness and Deformation Mechanisms in Cantor-Based Medium Entropy Alloys
From High-Entropy Ceramics (HECs) to Compositionally Complex Ceramics (CCCs): A Review and New Perspective
High-Throughput Multiscale Modeling of Solidification of Refractory High Entropy Alloys
High Entropy Alloys- The Intrigue
High Temperature Wear and Deformation Behavior of Compositionally Complex Oxide Formed on Metal Surfaces
Impact of Elemental Additions on Elastic and Plastic Behavior of Refractory Multi-Principal-Element Alloys
Intermetallic Alloys: Ductility, Structural Order, and High Entropy or Not
Interplay Between Lattice Distortion and Bond Stiffness Towards Strengthening of Refractory BCC High Entropy Alloys
Interstitial Engineering of BCC Refractory Multi-Principal Element Alloys and their Dislocation Pathways
Investigating Composition-Structure-Property Relationships in Nb-V-Zr-X Alloys Using a High-Throughput Synthesis Approach
Investigating the Exceptional Creep Behavior of Al0.3CoCrFeNi Multi-Principal Element Alloys Through Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method
Investigation of Mechanical and Corrosion Behavior of Nitinol for Biomedical Implant Applications
Investigation of Short-Range Order and Its Impact on Mechanical Properties of AlCoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloys Using Atomistic Simulations and Data Analytics
Kink Bands Promote Exceptional Fracture Resistance in a NbTaTiHf Refractory High-Entropy Alloy
Large-Language Model-Assisted High Entropy Alloy Design: Knowledge Transfer and Hypothesis Generation
Light Single-Phase Al-Based Complex Concentrated Alloy with High Specific Strength
Macroscopically-Smooth Plastic Flow in an Al-Containing High-Entropy Alloy: Unveiling Multiscale Complexity in a Mesoscopic Range
Martensitic Phase Transformation and Anomalous Hardening in CrMnFeCoNi High-Entropy Alloy
Material Design for Nuclear Applications, High Entropy Alloys in Extreme Environments
Measuring the Entropy of High Entropy Alloys
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of New Compositionally-Complex Fe-Cr-Mn-Al Ferritic Stainless Steels Free of σ-Phase, χ-Phase and 475 °C Embrittlement
Microstructure and Mechanical Property Changes in Ion Irradiated MPEAs
Multiple Origins of Extra Electron Diffractions in FCC Multiple Principal Element Alloys
Nanoindentation and AFM-Based Evaluation of Cold-Sprayed Stable Nanocrystalline High-Entropy Alloy Coatings
Neutron and Synchrotron Diffraction Methods for Unveiling Structural Evolution in Complex and Off-Equilibrium Alloys
On the Damage Tolerance of TiZrNbHfTa Refractory High-Entropy Alloys
Precipitation Strengthening in BCC Al2.7CrMnTiV High-Entropy Alloys
Precipitation/TRIP-Induced Heterogeneous Microstructures in Non-Equiatomic CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloys to Achieve Superior Strength-Ductility Combination
Quantification of Lattice Distortions in Complex Concentrated Alloys by X-Ray Diffuse Scattering
Ramifications of Introducing Local Chemical Ordering in FCC-Based High Entropy Alloys and Its Manifestations on the Bulk Mechanical Properties via Slip Planarity
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy for High Entropy Materials
Sequential Mechanical Alloying of AlNbTaTiV Particles: Phase Formation and Microstructural Evaluation
Sheet Formability of CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloy
Short-Range Ordering and Local Elastic Properties in MoNbTaW
Short Range Chemical Ordering in HEA Investigated by X-Ray Diffuse and Resonant Scattering
Short Range Order and the Evolution of Deformation Mechanisms in the CrCoNi Medium Entropy Alloy
Significance of Grain Refinement on the Nanomechanical Behavior of Multi-Principal Alloys
Single-Crystal Mechanical Properties of FCC High-Entropy Alloys
Stability of the B2 Phase in Al-Nb-Ta-Ti-Zr Refractory High-Entropy Superalloys: Resolving Identification Conflicts and Offering Practical Solutions
Stoichiometry and Microstructure-Dependent Hardness-Mapping Prediction and Verification for High-Entropy Alloys
Strain-Rate and Temperature Effects on Deformation Behaviors in Body-Centered-Cubic (BCC) Phase Refractory High-Entropy Alloys (RHEAs)
Strength-Ductility Synergies in CuCoFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloys: Effects of Deformation and Recrystallization
Strong and Ductile High Temperature Multicomponent Soft Magnet Through Widmanstätten Precipitates
Study of the Serration Deformation Mechanisms at 15 K
Study on Superplastic Behavior of L21 Precipitate-Hardened BCC High Entropy Alloy
Superior High-Temperature Strength in a Supersaturated Refractory High-Entropy Alloy
Temperature Dependent Screw Dislocation Dynamics in MoNbTi and TaNbTi Multi-Principal Element Alloys
The Thermodynamics of Mechanical Behavior in BCC Refractory Compositionally Complex Alloys
Theory Guided Combinatorial Design of Metastable High Entropy Alloys
Thin Film Combinatorial Sputtering of Multiple-Principal Element Alloys for Rapid Materials Discovery
Ubiquitous Short-Range Order in Multi-Principal Element Alloys and Its Impact on the Mechanical Behaviors
Ultrahigh Strength Triggered by BCC and B2 Eutectic-Phase Interfaces in a Novel Fe30Cr15V15Ni20Al20 High Entropy Alloy
Ultrahigh Temperature Tensile Deformation Mechanisms of Multi-Principal Element Alloys
Unexpected Intermetallic Plasticity Within Lightweight, Low Cost, and Corrosion-Resistant Compositionally Complex Alloys (CCAs) Containing FCC and L21 Heusler Phases

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