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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Computation Assisted Materials Development for Improved Corrosion Resistance
Presentation Title Quantifying the Impact of Microstructure on the Corrosion of Structural Alloys by Molten Salt Using Mesoscale Modeling with the MOOSE Framework
Author(s) Michael R. Tonks, Chaitanya Bhave, Thompson Igunma, Soumya Bandyopadhyay, Cole Evered, Adrien Couet, Kumar Sridharan
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Michael R. Tonks
Abstract Scope The corrosion of structural alloys by molten salt is a major concern for molten salt reactors. To help understand and potentially mitigate such corrosion, we have developed a model that predicts this corrosion at the mesoscale. Our electrochemical corrosion model uses the phase field method implemented in the MOOSE framework to predict the transport of alloying elements into salt, including fast diffusion along grain boundaries. It has been validated for the corrosion of NiCr alloys by FLiBe and is now being extended to Alloy 316H, FLiNaK, and MgCl2-NaCl. It has been applied to investigate the impact of coatings and the impurity concentration in static salt experiments. We are currently adding the impact of stress and radiation on the corrosion and carrying out new experiments to validate these additions to the model. We are also beginning to consider the impact of water vapor.


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Predicting Oxidation Behavior of Ni-Based Superalloys with Physics-Informed Machine Learning
Quantifying the Impact of Microstructure on the Corrosion of Structural Alloys by Molten Salt Using Mesoscale Modeling with the MOOSE Framework
Re-Thinking Chemical Lifetime of Chromia-Forming Ferritic Stainless Steels

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