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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Drying, Roasting, Calcining and Agglomeration of Feedstocks
Presentation Title Application Technology of High-performance Composite Bentonite in Low Silicon Pellets
Author(s) ming Li
On-Site Speaker (Planned) ming Li
Abstract Scope The green and low-carbon smelting technology with more than 50% pellets charged into the blast furnace was applied in Shougang Jingtang Iron and Steel United Co., Ltd. However, due to the high consumption of calcium bentonite as the pellet binder, it is challenging to guarantee the pellet quality for the smooth operation of the blast furnace. To reduce the ratio of bentonite, the effects of different high-performance composite bentonites on the pellet quality were studied. Results show that high-performance composite bentonite B and C exhibit superior balling properties compared to the reference bentonite. With high-performance composite bentonites B and C, the bentonite ratio could be significantly reduced from 2.3% to 1.0%. Meanwhile, the alkali metal content of the pellet decreases significantly, which was beneficial to reduce the alkali load into the blast furnace and improve the smooth operation, overall efficiency and long life of the blast furnace.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Iron and Steel, Process Technology, Powder Materials


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