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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Multi Scale Modeling of Microstructure Deformation in Material Processing
Presentation Title A New Die Design for the Constrained Groove Pressing Process to Achieve Homogeneity and Uniform Properties
Author(s) Swapnil Sawalkar, David P. Field
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Swapnil Sawalkar
Abstract Scope The constrained groove pressing (CGP) process is a prominent technique to achieve ultrafine-grained microstructure. CGP uses grooved and flat dies to press the metal sheet simultaneously to impart huge strain in it without altering dimensions. The literature shows the limitation of CGP process that there is inherent inhomogeneity in the processed sheet due to the sharp edges of the grooved die. Sharp edges are responsible for additional bending strain along with shear strain. In this research, it has been shown that inhomogeneity can be reduced by eliminating the sharp edges of the die and by imparting a constant combination of shear strain and bending strain. One such die has been designed to impart constant combined strains on the metal sheet. From the analysis of a sheet passed through the die, showed uniform, isotropic and well improved properties. The research has been cross verified by analyzing experimental and finite element results.


A New Die Design for the Constrained Groove Pressing Process to Achieve Homogeneity and Uniform Properties
An Experimental and Modeling Study of Vacancy Diffusion Creep and Segregation in Multicomponent Alloys
Fine-tuning Superelastic Behavior of NiTi SMAs via Nanoscale Concentration Modulation Created by Ni4Ti3 Nanoprecipitate Dissolution
K-2: Data Transfer Methods in the Coupled Random Cellular Automata Finite Element Model of Dynamic Recrystallisation
K-5: Assessment of the Elastic Properties of FeMnNiCoMo System Based on the Nanoindentation Measurements and Molecular Dynamic Simulations
Modeling Microstructure Evolution for Solidification During Additive Manufacturing Using Cellular Automata

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