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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Mechanisms and Mitigation of Aqueous Corrosion and High-temperature Oxidation
Presentation Title Effect of Aging Treatment on Stress Corrosion Cracking Response of Cold Sprayed Al 6061 Alloy
Author(s) Ryan L. Cochran, Shiraz Mujahid, Aulora Rusk, YubRaj Paudel, Marc Pepi, Peter Czech, Hongjoo Rhee
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ryan L. Cochran
Abstract Scope Cold Spray additive manufacturing (CSAM) can generate fully dense, low porosity parts; however, mechanical properties such as stress corrosion cracking (SCC) depend on process parameters like flow rate, deposition velocity and post-deposition treatment. When manufactured using alloys such as Al 6061, CSAM parts exhibit corrosion crack resistance in general, but catastrophic failure can occur in the presence of stress where inter-splat bonding is limited, as reagents dissolve inter-splat boundaries due to the nature of deposits generated with CSAM. This study aims to measure the effects of aging parameters on SCC response in CSAM Al 6061 deposits compared to bulk. Inter-splat behavior was observed to evaluate the influence of precipitate formation on specimen response during SCC testing and determine how aging implemented post-deposition improves bonding and reduces failure at boundary regions.


Corrosion Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Al-Cu-X Alloys
Effect of Aging Treatment on Stress Corrosion Cracking Response of Cold Sprayed Al 6061 Alloy
Electrochemical Behavior of Additively Manufactured Non-spherical Ti-6Al-4V in Saline Water
Electrochemical Performance of Additively Manufactured 8620 Low Alloy Steel: Effect of Acetic Acid
Leveraging Additive Manufacturing to Co-design Mechanical Properties and Environmental Resistance
Microstructural Characterization and High-Temperature Oxidation of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processed Inconel 625

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