Abstract Scope |
Over the past five years, awareness of local formability has increased dramatically as advanced high strength steels (AHSS) gain prominence in automotive body-in-white applications. In this presentation local formability and global formability are defined, and the established and emerging measures of each are illustrated. The foundational and progressive development of a formability classification and rating system for AHSS is reviewed. With various case study examples, concepts such as the Local/Global Formability Map, the Formability Index and the Edge Thinning Limit are highlighted. Furthermore AHSS performance levels (i.e. GEN1, GEN1+ and GEN3) are re-defined in the context of a newly-developed AHSS Performance Index, where strength, global formability and now, local formability, are included. Finally performance targets for future AHSS grade development are proposed, and the possible extension of intrinsic local formability concepts to automotive crashworthiness are discussed. |