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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Continuous Phase Transformations
Presentation Title Cross-Slip and Work-Hardening in Short-Range Ordered FCC Alloys
Author(s) Anas Abu-Odeh, Mark Asta
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Anas Abu-Odeh
Abstract Scope Planar-slip, or dislocation motion localized to a few slip planes, can be observed in many concentrated substitutional FCC alloys. This is largely attributed to short-range ordering (SRO) and the slip-plane softening effect, where the first dislocation in a planar-slip region forms a diffuse anti-phase boundary (DAPB), which causes subsequent dislocations to glide with less resistance. This study focuses on incorporating the effect of SRO and the DAPB on cross-slip energetics and planar-slip. Using Ni-10%Al as a model alloy, atomistic modeling will be used to derive dislocation mobility laws as a function of ordering and temperature, as well as cross-slip activation barrier distributions as a function of order and DAPB presence. These will be input into models for correlated cross-slip and screw dislocation annihilation, two mechanisms which have the potential to increase work-hardening. This extends previous understanding of SRO effects on mechanical properties beyond that of traditional DAPB strengthening.
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Cross-Slip and Work-Hardening in Short-Range Ordered FCC Alloys
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Short-range Clustering and Ordering Evolution of Ni-22Cr-13Mo Alloy
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Study of Precipitation Behavior of High-Cr Ni-based Filler Metals Using In-situ S/TEM
Thermodynamics of the Invar Transition: Phonons vs. Magnetism

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