About this Abstract |
Meeting |
Superalloys 2024
Superalloys 2024
Presentation Title |
A-9: Freckle Formation Propensity Criterion for New Superalloy Design |
Author(s) |
Adarsh Shukla, Richard DiDomizio, Andrey Meshkov, Timothy Hanlon, Daniel Cody |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Adarsh Shukla |
Abstract Scope |
Freckles are casting anomalies generally detrimental to the mechanical properties of superalloys. This work presents a new freckle formation propensity criterion calculated using only alloy composition to rank the freckle propensity of alloys when processed via the same melting route at common conditions This is achieved by combining literature established changes in density of solidifying liquid (ρ/ρ) with an approximation for permeability within the mushy zone, using enthalpy of fusion and solidification range of the alloy. Also, a methodology to calculate ρ/ρ using electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) on as-cast coupons of superalloys is outlined. Additional factors influencing the permeability within the mushy zone, such as the presence of primary carbides, can also be calculated based on alloy chemistry, and incorporated to refine the freckle formation propensity criterion. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Definite: At-meeting proceedings |