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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Light Metal and Composites Technology
Presentation Title Joining of Light Metals to Polymer Composites by Overcasting Technique
Author(s) Aashish Rohatgi, Kumar Sadayappan
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Aashish Rohatgi
Abstract Scope While light metals and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites individually offer attractive mechanical performance, fabricating a robust metal-CFRP joint can be challenging. This presentation will describe a technique to join alloys to CFRP by casting the alloy (e.g. Al or Mg) such that a section of the CFRP is completely embedded within the casting to create a strong mechanical interlocking joint. Thus, even though the polymer melting/degradation temperature is several hundred degrees below the casting temperature, the CFRP can survive the overcasting process if the process duration is “short” by maintaining a high cooling rate during the casting solidification (e.g. akin to high-pressure die casting). In this work, overcasting process was performed using continuous and chopped fiber composites. Test coupons were tested in tension and characterized by non-destructive and microscopy techniques. Details of the experiments, the metal-composite interface and the resulting mechanical properties of the joints will be described.


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Introductory Comments: Light Metals and Composite Technology
Joining of Light Metals to Polymer Composites by Overcasting Technique
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