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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Functional Nanomaterials
Presentation Title III-Nitrides and 2D Chacogenides for Next Generation Electronics
Author(s) Deep Manoj Jariwala
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Deep Manoj Jariwala
Abstract Scope In this talk, I will discuss how novel layered two-dimensional (2D) chalcogenide materials and three-dimensional (3D) nitride materials might present interesting avenues to overcome some of the limitations being faced by modern Silicon hardware. I will start by presenting our ongoing and recent work on integration of 2D chalcogenide semiconductors with silicon. In particular I will focus on In-Se based 2D semiconductors1 for this application and extend discussion on them to phase-pure, epitaxial thin-film growth over wafer scales, at temperatures low-enough to be compatible with back end of line (BEOL) processing in Silicon fabs. I will then discuss memory devices from 2D materials when integrated with emerging wurtzite structure ferroelectric nitride materials namely aluminium scandium nitride (AlScN). I will present on Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistors (FE-FETs) and Ferroelectric Diode (FeD) devices also based on thin AlScN including their operation as high-temperature non-volatile memory devices.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Electronic Materials, High-Temperature Materials, Thin Films and Interfaces


Acoustophoresis and Additive Manufacturing for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Addressing Unmet Needs With 3D Printed Electronics
B-27: High-Performance Interfacial Water Evaporation of Black TiO2-x With High-Concentration Bulk Oxygen Vacancies
B-28: Improving Supercapacitor Performance via Multi-Layer Transition Metal Oxide Thin Films
B-29: One-Dimensional Titanium Oxide Lepidocrocite Nanofilaments: From Fabrication to Application
Effect of Graphene Heterostructures on Electrical Performance of Ultra-Conductors
Effect of Metal Modification on the Laminating Structure and Dielectric Performance of Graphene Oxide Membranes
Effect of Polymerization Temperature on the Photocatalytic Activity of Polyaniline
Energy-Efficient Synthesis of Organic-Inorganic Hybrids Through Polymer Complexation
Extreme Environment Soft Magnetic Nanocomposite Alloys
Facile Synthesis of Aloe-Gold Nanoclusters and Their Molecular Binding, Antibacterial and Cytotoxicity Profiling
Functional Nanoglues for Heterogeneous Catalysis
Growth Kinetics of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals Under Stirring
Heterogeneous Nanostructure Array Integration for Sustainable CO2 Conversion and H2 Production
High-Endurance Zinc Ion Supercapacitors With Wide Temperature Tolerance
III-Nitrides and 2D Chacogenides for Next Generation Electronics
Ion Transport With Convective Flow in Graphene Nanochannels of Flow Cell Battery Electrodes
Medical Applications of Nanostructured Diamond Coatings
Metal-Schiff Base Covalently Grafted to the Iron-Based Metal-Organic Framework as an Effective Heterogeneous Catalyst for Ciprofloxacin Degradation
Molecular Engineering of Field-Effect Transistor Water Sensors Based on 2D Nanomaterials
Nanodiamond Patterning of Direct Laser Written Structures by Pulsed Laser Annealing
Novel Properties of Two-Dimensional Weyl Semimetal States Achieved by Thickness-Dependent Topological Phase Transition in Bi0.96Sb0.04 Thin Films and Applications
Precision Near-Field Electrospinning: Transforming Micro/Nano Manufacturing With Advanced Nanofiber Fabrication
Regioselective Self-Assembly of Biomolecules Guided by Moiré-Patterned 2D Homo/Heterostructures
Semiconductor Nanomaterials for Neural Interfaces
Skin-Interfaced Wearable Nanobiosensors
Solution-Processable 2D Materials Based In-Memory Optical Sensing and Computing
Synthesis and Assembly of MXene-Based Materials With a Multitude of Functionalities
Synthesis, Characterization, and Bactericidal Application of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Obtained by Coprecipitation Method
The Utility of Liquid Metal Nanoparticles
The Utilization of Cellulose Nanocrystals-Infused Hydrogels for Enhanced Efficacy in Cancer Chemotherapy
Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of Single Polyethylene Oxide (PEO) Nanofiber
Unlocking the Potential of Metamaterials: Advancing Terahertz Communication, Noise Reduction, and MRI Imaging
Van der Waals Superlattices: The Bo(u)ndless Frontier
Vapor-Phase Infiltration (VPI) for Advanced Patterning, Device, and Microelectronics Applications
Young Leaders International Scholars – JIMM Lecture: Spin Current Generation Driven by Altermagnetism and Its Spintronic Applications

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