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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Frontiers of Materials Award Symposium: Manufacturing Structural and Functional Materials with Complexity: Lessons from Nature
Presentation Title Biomineralized Structures With Porosity: Structure, Mechanics, Multifunctionality, and Formation Mechanisms
Author(s) Ling Li
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ling Li
Abstract Scope Despite their advantages, such as corrosion and thermal resistance, ceramic materials often suffer from their brittleness. Engineering ceramic foams often further display low strength and damage tolerance when introducing porosity for weight reduction purposes. This is why many current ceramic cellular solids, unlike metallic and polymeric foams, are typically used for non-structural applications. In Nature, many organisms utilize biomineralized structures for various mechanical functions, such as body support, protection, and predation. Many of these structures are highly porous (with porosity up to 93 vol%) and are based on minerals (e.g., carbonates and silica) that are intrinsically brittle. Yet, they display remarkable mechanical robustness and sometimes multifunctionality. In this talk, I will present our efforts in elucidating the structure-property relationship of these porous biomineralized structures and their underlying formation mechanisms using model systems such as echinoderms and mollusks. The implications for bio-inspired design of lightweight ceramic materials will be discussed.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided
Keywords Ceramics, Characterization, Mechanical Properties


Biomineralized Structures With Porosity: Structure, Mechanics, Multifunctionality, and Formation Mechanisms
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