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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams Applied to Materials Design and Processing: An FMD/SMD Symposium Honoring Rainer Schmid-Fetzer
Presentation Title Evolution of the Calphad Method and Its Application
Author(s) Ursula R. Kattner
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ursula R. Kattner
Abstract Scope Predictive computational tools greatly add to the information from traditional data sources. Within computational thermodynamics the Calphad method has established itself as pillar for materials and process design as it is currently the only available method for the calculation of multi-component, multi-phase equilibria and properties. The Calphad method continues to evolve by improving model descriptions to better reflect the underlying physics and expanding the properties being described. The performance of a new model formalism is traditionally evaluated on the basis of how well it describes the thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria and its extrapolation behavior to higher component systems. For describing other phase-based properties it is generally agreed to use the same formalism as for the Gibbs energy, but it is often not clear whether the new formalisms will be well suited to describe these properties. The current state of model implementations and their applications will be evaluated.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Computational Materials Science & Engineering, ICME,


A Generalized Approach for Rapid Entropy Calculation of Liquids and Solids
A Thermodynamic Evaluation of the U-Zr-N System
Application of the CALPHAD Method to Alloy Design and Processing Optimization
CALPHAD-Assisted Process Optimization for Free-Cutting Steels
CALPHAD Modeling of Electrons and Holes in Compound Semiconductors
Compositional Screening of Secondary Aluminum Alloys by Combining CALPHAD and Phase Field Simulations
Computational Microstructural Engineering for Multi-Phase HEAs
Designing Lightweight Alloys Based on CALPHAD Modeling and Machine Learning
Essentiality of Impurity (Dilute) Diffusion Coefficients in Establishing Reliable Diffusion and Atomic Mobility Databases
Evolution of the Calphad Method and Its Application
Hillert-Style Irreversible Thermodynamics and the Entropy Production
Inputs From Computational Thermodynamics for Grain Size Prediction and Alloy Design
Kinetics of Solid State Transformations Involving Intermetallic Phases
Microstructure Design for Precipitation-Hardened Aluminium and Magnesium Alloys
Miscibility Gaps in Multicomponent Systems
On Gibbs Equilibrium and Hillert Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and CALPHAD Modeling
On the Development of the Next Generation of Thermodynamic Models of Metallic Solid Solutions
Phase Diagram and Barycentric Coordinate System
Phase Stability Through Machine Learning
Predicting Electrical Resistivity and Thermal Conductivity of Multicomponent Multiphase Alloys
Prediction of as Cast Microstructure by Solidification Model Coupled with CALPHAD Database: Conventional Casting and Additive Manufacturing Process
The Application of Phase Diagram in Materials Science and Engineering
Thermodynamic Modeling of Hydrogen in the LiF-BeF2-BeO System for MSR Applications
Thermodynamic Modeling: Extreme Challenges, Emerging Opportunities
Thermodynamic Models from Ab Initio Insights
Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams Applied to Materials Design and Processing
Utilizing Computational Thermodynamics to Design Phase Transformation, Strength, and Ductility of HEAs
Utilizing Synchrotron Radiation for Phase Identification in Mg Alloys

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