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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Drying, Roasting, Calcining and Agglomeration of Feedstocks
Presentation Title Selective Chlorination as an Innovative Method for the Extraction of Valuable From Spent Refractories
Author(s) Stefan Steinlechner, Kerrin Witt, Thomas Howard
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Stefan Steinlechner
Abstract Scope The development of recycling processes that enable the recovery of valuable metals from industrial residues with significantly lower CO2 emissions is necessary due to the aggravating circumstances of climate change, resource availability, and land consumption caused by the landfilling of residues. It is possible that processes based on chlorination reactions will become significant in the future in this context. To extract the valuable metal copper from the refractory matrix, this process was assessed in this context for the treatment of spent refractory bricks from the copper industry. The paper explains the behaviour of the identified most suitable reactant, magnesium chloride (MgCl2*6H2O), as well as the principles of chlorination and reaction mechanisms of different salts.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Copper / Nickel / Cobalt, Recycling and Secondary Recovery, Pyrometallurgy


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Optimization of Process Technology for Preparing Bayan Obo Pellets by Grate Rotary Kiln
Optimizing the Use of Stainless Steel Pickling Sludge in Iron Ore Sintering
Research and Improvement on Quality Deviation of Belt Roaster
Selective Chlorination as an Innovative Method for the Extraction of Valuable From Spent Refractories
Spinospheres – A Novel Technology Influencing Refractory Brick’s Properties

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