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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Phase Transformations and Microstructural Evolution
Presentation Title Effect of Si Impurities on the Microstructural Development of a Cast Al-Mg-Fe Alloy
Author(s) Nicholas Allen Richter, Sumit Bahl, Ying Yang, Alice Perrin, Alex Plotkowski, James Allen Haynes, Amit Shyam
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Nicholas Allen Richter
Abstract Scope The development of sustainable aluminum (Al) alloys is growing in industrial relevance, yet the implementation of secondary cast Al alloys in structural applications remains a challenge due to ductility limitations. Impurity content induced microstructural development is intimately linked with the resulting tensile properties of recycled cast Al alloys. However, minimal literature exists centered around recycling of cast Al-Mg alloys. Here, we investigate the influence of Si impurities on the microstructural and phase development in high Fe-content cast Al-4.3Mg-1.6Fe alloys to simulate the addition of high Si containing scrap material. Electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and thermodynamic modeling were combined to quantify the evolving intermetallic phase content. Tensile tests link the microstructural and phase development to the resulting mechanical properties. Both CALPHAD modeling and tensile results highlight the important role of primary Al13Fe4 intermetallic platelets on ductility of Al-Mg-Fe-Si alloys.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Aluminum, Sustainability, Mechanical Properties


Alloy Design of Low Carbon Low Alloy Carbide Free Bainitic-Ferrite Steel
Alloying Effects and Mechanical Behavior of FCC Multi-Principal Element Alloys Containing Sigma Precipitates
Annealing Behavior of Additive Manufactured 304L Using In-Situ EBSD
Complex Antiphase Boundaries as a Means to Two-Phase Coexistence in Ordered Fe-Pd Alloys
Compositionally Optimising the Volumetric Contraction of the Liquid-To-Solid Phase Transformation in Multi-Component Alloys – the Minimisation of Solidification Shrinkage
Controlling Intermetallic Precipitation in Cu-Ti Alloys to Tune Mechanical and Electrical Properties
Correlative Microscopic Analysis of B-Alloyed Fe-Mn-Al-Ni-C High-Specific Strength Steels
Crystal Structure Engineering of Mn/Co-Rich Spinel in Mn-Doped (Co,Cu,Mg,Ni,Zn)O
D-13: Analysis of Self-Healing Behavior in Co-Based Superalloy by Spontaneous Segregation of B and Y During In-Situ Tensile Test at Elevated Temperature
D-14: Analysis of the L12 to hP24 Phase Transformation Behavior of a Co3Ti Precipitate During High Temperature Tensile Deformation of a Co-Based Superalloy System
D-16: As-Cast Microstructure of the Ni-Based Superalloy Rene N5 Fabricated via Lost-Wax Casting
D-17: Characterizing the Phase Transformations in W0.125Mo0.375FeNi with Thermal Analysis
D-18: Effect of Co/Ni Ratio on Shape Memory Effect of the CrMnFeCoNi Multi-Component Alloys
D-19: Effect of Zr Addition on Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Deformed and Annealed Cu-Fe Alloys
D-20: Effects of Rapid Thermal Processing Parameters on the Microstructural Evolution of 4140 Steel
D-21: Healable Ti-6Al-4V Base Alloy with Cyclability Between Stress-Induced Martensite Transformation and Thermally Induced β Transformation
D-22: Knowledge-Processing-Microstructure of Pure Fe Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
D-23: Microstructure Evolution of Directionally Solidified Ni-Based Superalloy MAR-M247 Induced by Solution Heat-Treatment
D-24: Microstructure of Repair Welding Technology of the Co-Based Superalloy X40
D-25: Novel Lightweight CoCrNiAlSi Medium-Entropy Alloys with High Strength and Ductility
D-26: Phase Stability in Rene 125 Ni-Based Superalloy – Thermodynamic Predictions and Microstructure Observation
D-27: Prediction of Steel Plate Deformation Using Phase Transformation-Based Finite Element Analysis
D-28: Resistivity and Its Temperature Coefficient in Fe-Mn-Al-C-Based Alloy
D-29: Selective Acceleration of Carbide Evolution Kinetics on Phase Boundaries by Electric Current Treatment
D-30: Solidification Microstructures in Mixtures of Superalloys 625 and 718
D-31: Study of Deformation Mechanism and Microstructural Evolution in a Dual-Precipitation Strengthened Novel CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy by Al and Nd Co-Doping
D-32: Study of Recrystallization Behavior and Mechanical Properties-Crystallographic Texture Correlation in Hot/Cold Rolled and Annealed 6.8Al-Fe and 9.7Al-Fe (wt%) Ferritic Low-Density Steels
D-33: Sustainable NiTi Shape Memory Metallurgy
D-34: The Effect of Copper Content on High Strength Precipitation Hardened Aluminum Alloys Processed Via Additive Friction Stir Deposition
D-35: Thermal Analysis of Austenite Decomposition in an Experimental UHSS Cr-Mo-V Steel
D-61: Microstructural Characterization of Quenched and Partitioned Ductile Iron (Q&PDI)
Decomposition of the B2 Phase Following Isothermal Annealing, and a Study of the Interface Characteristics of the Product Phase in a High Entropy Alloy
Deformation and Strain Partitioning in a Double Soaked Medium Manganese Steel With Differing Martensite Fractions
Deformation Induced Transformation: Alloy Design with FCC-HCP-BCC Burgers Transformation Triangle as the Framework
Development of a Novel Processing Technique for Cold-Rolled 2014 Aluminum Alloys via Athermally-Enhanced Electrical Annealing
Diffusional-Displacive Mixed-Mode Transformation from Ferrite Parent Phase to Form an Intermetallic Nanocomposite in a Fe-Mo Alloy
Directed Energy Deposition of CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloy: Influence of Process Parameters on Thermal Cycles and Microstructural Evolution
Discovery of New Nano-Scale Metastable Intermetallic Phases in Laser Rapid Solidified Aluminum-Germanium Eutectic
Domain Size Control by Spinodal Decomposition in Ferroelectrics
Effect of Electrical Resistance Heating on Recrystallization of Cold-Rolled Low-Carbon Steel
Effect of Pass Rolling Reduction on Martensite Variant, Texture, and Mechanical Properties of Hot-Rolled Nb-V Low Carbon Steel
Effect of Si Impurities on the Microstructural Development of a Cast Al-Mg-Fe Alloy
Effect on the Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Welding Using Different Commercial E7018 Electrodes Via the SMAW Process
Effects of Chemistry, Precipitation, and Microcleanliness on The Structural Degradation of NiTiHf High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloys
Effects of Cooling Rate and Nitrogen Content on Morphologies and Precipitation of Widmanstätten Austenite in Welds of Duplex Stainless Steels
Effects of Current-Assisted Treatment on the Microstructure, Mechanical Property, and Corrosion Behavior of Cu-8 wt% Sn Alloys in a Chloride Environment
Electro-Recrystallization Behavior in Cold-Rolled Nickel-Chromium Alloys Under Direct Current Stressing
Evaluation of Austenite Conditioning and Decomposition in Steels with Laser Ultrasonics
Evaluation of Phase Stability of Quasicrystals in Spark Plasma Sintered Al Alloy
In-Phase/Out-Of-Phase Thermo-Mechanical Loading in High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys
In-Situ Study of Bulk Hetero-Nanostructured Copper During Heating Using Mono- and Polychromatic Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction
Influence of Al2O3 on Crystallization Behavior of Mold Slag Film Based on Soret Effect
Influence of Alloy Composition on the Precipitate Evolution and Properties of 7xxx Aluminum Alloy During Magnetic Field Annealing
Influence of Ni on the Austenitic Deformation Mechanism of Model Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys Studied Using in Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction, Electron Microscopy, Density Functional Theory and Thermodynamic Linear-Response Theory
Influence of Si on Solidification Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of CrFeCoNi High Entropy Alloy
Integrated Modeling of Static Recrystallization in Mg-Zn-Ca Alloy Using the PRISMS Framework
Investigating Appropriate Heat Treatments for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Nickel Alloy 718
Investigating Atomic Size Misfit Effects in Refractory High-Entropy Alloys
Investigation of Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Behaviour of Low Carbon ‘Nb’-Added Micro Alloyed Steel Developed Through Quenching and Partitioning Method
Investigation on the NiTiCoHf Multicomponent Shape Memory Alloys
Magnetic Field-Assisted Processing of Martensitic Steels
Mechanism Behind the Creation of Ultrafine Grains at Machined Surface of 0.45% Carbon Steel During High-Speed Turning Process
Microgravity Studies of Peritectic Coupled Growth by Usinga Transparent Model Alloy Aboard the International Space Station
Microstructural Coarsening of Cells, Dendrites, and Fibrous Eutectic in Al-2Fe-1Ni Alloy
Microstructural Evolution and Phase Transformations in Al-Cu Friction Stir Welding
Microstructural Evolution in a New Low-Cost Polycrystalline Ni-Base Superalloy for Elevated Temperature Structural Applications
Microstructural Stability and Phase Transformations in 17-4PH Stainless Steel Builds Fabricated Via Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Microstructure and Texture Formation in Inconel 718 Deposited by Induction-Heating-Assisted Laser-Directed Energy Deposition
Microstructure and Texture of Heavily Cold-Rolled and Annealed Al-Modified Extremely Low Stacking Fault Energy Cr1.3Co1Fe1Mn1Ni0.7 High Entropy Alloy
Microstructure Design in Duplex Stainless Steels Via Additive Manufacturing
Microstructure Modification of Cu-Al-Zn-Sn Alloys for Control Optical and Mechanical Properties
Microstructure Refinement During Hot Rolling of 0.3 CrMoV Steel: Role of Crystallographic Texture
Modeling the Effects of Initial Grain Size, Martensitic Transformation Induced Dynamic Grain Refinement, Phases, and Texture on Strength of a High Entropy Alloy Using Crystal Plasticity
Negative Strain Rate Sensitivity in Al0.3CoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy During Hot Deformation
Novel Co-Based Superalloys Strengthened via Local Phase Transformation at Microtwins and Stacking Faults
On the Effects of Micro-Scale Concentration Gradients on Martensitic Transformations in NiTi Shape Memory Alloys
Perturbation Solutions of the Cahn-Hilliard Equations
Phase-Field Modeling of Nanotwins Evolution and Grain Boundary Interactions in Cu During Annealing
Phase Equilibrium and New Solid Solutions in the Sc2O3-TiO2-Fe2O3 System at 1300 °C
Phase Transformations and Microstructure Evolution in Additive Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processed and Heat-Treated Co-Cr-Mo Alloy
Phase Transformations in Metal Additive Manufacturing
Phase Transformations in Ultrafine-Grained Ti15Mo Alloy Prepared by Severe Plastic Deformation
Pressure-Induced Amorphous-Amorphous Transitions and Crystallization in Silicon Studied by a Machine-Learned Potential
Pressure-Induced Phase Transformations of CdTe via Metadynamics Simulation
Quantifying the Kinetics of Defect Phase Transitions Through Ultrafast Calorimetry
Recent Applications of PRISMS-PF for Phase-Field Simulations of Microstructure Evolution
Semi In-Situ Observations on Stress-Induced Martensite in Metastable Beta Titanium Alloy
Shape Memory Effect in the CrFeCo and CrMnFeCoNi Multi-Component System
Solidification Modelling and Wetting of Al-Ce Alloys and Composites
Strengthening Superalloys via an Extreme Density of Locally Transformed Stacking Fault Phases
Study on Banded Segregation of High-Strength Hot-Rolled Grade Steel and the "Void" Defect in Casting Slabs
Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Monitoring of the Microstructural Evolution of a Zirconium Alloy During Complex Thermal Cycles
Tailoring Mechanical Properties of a Multi-Principle-Element Alloy by a Multi-Length-Scale Approach
Tailoring the Shape-Memory and Superelastic Behaviors in NiTi with Nb Inclusion with Coherent and Semi-Coherent Interfaces Using MD Simulations
Testing Compositionally Complex Alloys for Phase Stability in High Radiation Environments
The Effect of Ti:Ta Ratio on the Microstructure and Elemental Phase Partitioning in High Co-Containing Powder-Processed Polycrystalline Ni-Based Superalloys for Turbine Disc Applications
The Effects of Ta Additions on the Microstructure of HP-Micro Alloys for Steam-Methane Reformer Applications
The Influence of Stoichiometry on the Reaction Behavior of Ni/Al Reactive Multilayers
The Role of Mechanical Loading in bcc-hcp Phase Transition Tension-Compression Asymmetry and Twin Formation
Warm Rolling for Enhanced Strength-Ductility and Yielding Behavior in Low-Density, Medium-Mn Steels
ε-Carbide Induced Fresh Martensite to Produce Dual Phase Microstructure in Low Carbon Steel

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