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Meeting MS&T21: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Nucleation of Solid-State Phase Transformations
Presentation Title P1-28: Structure Influenced Rapid Hydrogenation Using Metal-acid Contacts on Crystallographically Oriented VO2 Thin Films
Author(s) Komal Mulchandani, Ankit Soni, Krushna R Mavani
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Komal Mulchandani
Abstract Scope We report on the structure influenced hydrogenation via metal-acid contact method using novel detachable electrode-like design of metal on the edges of VO2 thin films. As temperature increases, VO2 shows the insulator to metal transition accompanied by a structural phase transition from monoclinic to rutile phase. The said method for hydrogenation is tested at different temperatures. A rapid diffusion rate of hydrogen is indicated by a drastically reduced room temperature resistance of the films hydrogenated at elevated temperatures. Moreover, when cooled down to room temperature, these films incline to partially retain a stable rutile phase. The process of hydrogenation becomes much faster and more effective when VO2 acquires the rutile phase i.e. at elevated temperature.


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P1-28: Structure Influenced Rapid Hydrogenation Using Metal-acid Contacts on Crystallographically Oriented VO2 Thin Films

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