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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Transmutation Effects in Fusion Reactor Materials: Critical Challenges & Path Forward
Presentation Title The Effect of Helium on Cavity Swelling in Dual-ion Irradiated Fe and Fe-10Cr Ferritic Alloys
Author(s) Yan-Ru Lin, Arunodaya Bhattacharya, Steven Zinkle
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Yan-Ru Lin
Abstract Scope To gain fundamental insights into the He effects on cavity swelling, high purity Fe and Fe-10 wt.% Cr ferritic model alloys were irradiated with 8 MeV Ni ions and co-implanted He ions at 500°C up to 30 dpa with He implantation rates of 0.1, 10 and 50 appm He/dpa. By transmission electron microscopy, a bimodal cavity size distribution was observed in the 10 and 50 appm He/dpa samples, but not for 0.1 appm He/dpa. Cavity swelling was maximized at intermediate He implantation rates of ~10 appm He/dpa for both Fe and Fe-10Cr alloys. The cavity swelling behavior as a function of He implantation rate appears to be controlled by the He/dpa-dependent variation of cavity sink strengths. Treating small bubbles as biased sinks for interstitial absorption can significantly increase the ratio of biased to unbiased sink strengths (Q) and results in maximized cavity swelling for a Q ratio close to one.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Iron and Steel, Characterization, Nuclear Materials


Ab Initio and Classical Molecular Dynamics Study of Re Transport in W
Ab Initio Study of Tungsten-based Alloys Under Fusion Power-plant Conditions
Accurate Fe-He Machine Learning Potential for Studying Helium Effects in Ferritic Steels
Advanced Synchrotron Characterization Techniques for Fusion Materials Science
Analysis of Irradiation Damage Accumulation in Bi-phase Tungsten Heavy Alloy Microstructures
Analytical TEM Examination of Re and Os Segregation in Neutron Irradiated Tungsten
Behavior of Helium Cavities in Ion-irradiated Ductile-Phase-Toughened Tungsten
Characterizing Transmutation Products in Materials via STEM and Machine Learning
Co-Segregation of Transmuted Re and Os in Neutron Irradiated Tungsten: First-principles Prediction and Experimental Validation
Critical Evaluation of High Temperature Helium Embrittlement Phenomena in Structural Materials
Discrete and Continuum Models for the Sources of Nonlinear Strain for Macrscopic Simulations of Reactor Components
Effect of Helium on Low-temperature Hardening/Embrittlement (LTHE) in Neutron Irradiated Isotopically Tailored RAFM Steels
Effects of Carbide Dispersoids on Helium Bubble Formation in Dispersion-strengthened Tungsten
Experimental Validation of Simulated Transmutation Predictions for Fusion Materials
Grain-boundary Effects on the Irradiated Damages in W-Re Alloys
He Irradiation of W First-wall Materials: Parameters at Stake for the Bubble Creation, Behaviour and Impact on Tritium Trapping
Helium Effects on Mechanical Properties of (RA)FM Steels
Helium Production in Irradiated Low-temperature Solder Candidates for Novel Fusion Magnet Cables
Impact of Pre-existing Damage on He Irradiated Sintered 3C-SiC
In-situ Helium Bubble Formation and Thermal Evolution in Lithium Metatitanate
Interaction of Hydrogen/Helium with Grain Boundaries and Dislocations in Tungsten
Investigation of High Temperature He Embrittlement Effects in High Performance Nickel-based Alloys
Irradiation Spectrum, Transmutation, and Supporting Materials Use Next Generation Fusion Systems
Machine-learned Interatomic Potential Development for H Trapping in ZrC Strengthened W
Machine Learning Generation of Trajectories for Accurate Modeling Plasma Material Interactions
Magic Numbers on the Shape of Voids Formed by Electron Irradiation in Aluminium
Modeling the Effect of He/dpa Rate on Microstructural Evolution in Ferritic-martensitic Alloys
Modelling of Re/Os Transmutation Product Segregation in Irradiated W Using Atomistic Kinetic Monte Carlo
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Mixed Materials Effects in Tungsten
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O-16: Microstructural Investigation of Irradiated REBCO Coated Conductors for Future HTS Fusion Magnets and Other High-dose Environments
Optimization of Tritium Breeding in Molten Salt Blankets: Materials and Geometries
Stability of a Li2TiO3 Candidate Solid-breeder Material Following Li Transmutation
Studies on Transmutation Effects in Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels in Japan
Suppression of Rhenium and Osmium Production in Tungsten-based Materials for Fusion Energy
Synergistic Effects between Radiation Damage and H/He Co-Injection on Swelling in Candidate Fusion Structural Materials
The Effect of Chemical Element Inventory Evolution on Recoil Production and Its Effect on Defect Cluster Evolution in Tungsten
The Effect of Helium on Cavity Swelling in Dual-ion Irradiated Fe and Fe-10Cr Ferritic Alloys
The Effects of High-dose He and H Ion Implantation on the Microstructural Development in EUROFER-ODS Steel
Thermonuclear Fusion: Some Open Issues Concerning Tritium
Tracking Neutron-irradiation Induced Transmutation Using Atom Probe Tomography and Neutron Inventory Calculations
Transmutation Effects in Fine Grained Tungsten: Gas Behavior and the Role of Grain Boundaries
Ultrafast Measurement of Microscopic Energy Flow in He-implanted W

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