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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Coatings to Protect Materials from Extreme Environments
Presentation Title Real-time Observation of Impact Damage in Coated Silicon Carbide (SiC)
Author(s) nesredin F. kedir, Wayne Chen, Kamel Fezzaa
On-Site Speaker (Planned) nesredin F. kedir
Abstract Scope Silicon carbide (SiC) and its composites are enabling materials for advanced gas turbine engines. However, these materials require an environmental barrier coating (EBC) to prevent deterioration via hot corrosion and oxidation reactions. Additionally, the combined EBC/Ceramic must withstand damage via impact from ingested and internally originating debris. Very limited attention has been given to the latter issue, despite the understanding that both the coating and substrate are inherently brittle. Thus, the current effort aimed to elucidate the underlying damage mechanisms for a model air plasma sprayed EBC consisting of a Mullite topcoat, Silicon bond-coat and α-SiC substrate. In addition to postmortem inspection, a pulsed Synchrotron X-ray source was used to visualize, in-situ, the damage evolution with temporal and spatial resolutions of 0.5µs and 6.4µm respectively. The in-line impact was performed at room temperature using 1.5mm diameter Partially Stabilized Zirconia and Silicon Nitride spheres at velocities ranging between 300-355 m/s.


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Obtaining Surface Coatings Providing Protection Against High Temperatures in the Production of Coke
Obtaining Wear-resistant Titanium Coatings in SHS Conditions
Real-time Observation of Impact Damage in Coated Silicon Carbide (SiC)

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