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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Aluminum Primary Processing - Decarbonization and Sustainability in Aluminum Primary Processing: Joint Session of Aluminum Reduction, Electrode Technology, and REWAS 2025
Presentation Title On the Alloy Development of Ni - Fe - Cu Inert Anodes for Sustainable, CO2-Free Aluminum Electrolysis
Author(s) Tom Jamieson, Peer Decker, Andrey Yasinskiy, Roman Düssel, Gudmundur Gunnarson, Jon Magnusson, Bastian Adam, Ralf Busch, Isabella Gallino
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Tom Jamieson
Abstract Scope Aluminum is a promising material as an alternative green energy storage solution thanks to its very high volumetric energy density (23.5 kWh/L) and full recyclability. CO2-free aluminum could be produced from renewable energy sources through an electrolytic process by using vertical inert anodes and wetted drained cathodes as a sustainable substitute to the Hall-Héroult process with horizontal carbon anodes and cathodes. Ni-Fe-Cu alloys have emerged as a strong candidate for inert anodes. Our work aims to undertake a systematic investigation of the anode properties (corrosion resistance, cell stability, purity of resultant aluminum) as a function of the alloy composition to determine an optimal composition range for the inert anode and vertical electrolysis cell performance. Electrolysis tests and oxidation studies at the laboratory scale will be performed to then inform the up-scaling process.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Sustainability, Process Technology, Electrometallurgy


Carbochlorination of Alumina: An Assessment Based on Single Particle Model
Development of the Carbon Footprint of Primary Aluminum Production
Inert Anode Aluminum Cells – Present Status and Future Prospects
On the Alloy Development of Ni - Fe - Cu Inert Anodes for Sustainable, CO2-Free Aluminum Electrolysis
Opportunities to Reduce Calciner CO2 Emissions
Progress of Carbon Capture Efforts in Primary Aluminum Smelting
Research Progress on Inert Anode Materials for Aluminum Electrolysis

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