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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Joining and Integration of Advanced and Specialty Materials
Presentation Title Spark Plasma Joining of Ultra-high Temperature Ceramics
Author(s) Ambreen Nisar, Cheng Zhang, Benjamin Boesl, Arvind Agarwal
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ambreen Nisar
Abstract Scope Ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs) are ideal candidates for advanced thermal protection system (TPS). Widespread use of UHTCs demands the effective ways of joining to overcome the problems associated with the fabrication of complex shaped components. For joining to be a preferred method of fabricating complex structures, the UHTC-UHTC joint must exhibit close to similar microstructure and mechanical properties as that of the parent material. To integrate UHTCs for TPS, we choose to investigate a new method of rapidly joining UHTCs by spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique. In this regard, the pre-sintered TaC and HfC, processed using SPS at 1850 °C were then put together and joined (at the same conditions) without any filler material. Well-bonded TaC-HfC interface was observed at the joint. In addition, the mechanical strength at the interface is similar when compared with that of the monoliths, i.e. TaC and HfC.


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Introductory Comments: Joining and Integration of Advanced and Specialty Materials
Spark Plasma Joining of Ultra-high Temperature Ceramics

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