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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advancing Current and State-of-the-Art Application of Ni- and Co-based Superalloys
Presentation Title New Insights on Al2O3-Scale Growth on Ni-Based Alloys and the Influence of Reactive Elements
Author(s) Arthur Heuer, Brian Gleeson
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Brian Gleeson
Abstract Scope Oxygen and Al grain boundary diffusivities have been determined by the 16O/18O double oxidation technique on a suite of γ/γ’ Ni-20Al-5Cr alloys, undoped or doped with 0.05 at% Y, 0.05 at% Zr, or 0.05 at% Hf. The 18O distribution in the Al2O3 scales following high temperature oxidation was determined by high resolution TOF-SIMS imaging, and allowed determination of oxygen and aluminum grain boundary diffusivities. Improved oxidation resistance of the “reactive element” (RE) Y-, Zr-, and Hf-doped samples was clearly manifested in reduced values of the diffusivities. We conclude that the RE effect is due to a reduction in the electrical conductivities of the scales, rather than a “steric hindrance” or other similar mechanisms reducing grain boundary diffusivities, as has previously been postulated. The conventional view that grain-boundary diffusivities determined from tracer experiments can be used, ipso facto, to rationalize the scaling kinetics of RE-doped alloys is not viable.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


A Comparative Study of the Effects of Surface Treatments and Finishes on the High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Alloy 800 in a 400 °C Steam Environment
A Comparison of Creep Properties between Conventionally Cast and Additive Manufactured CMSX-4
A Damage Model with Oxidation Effects
Advancing Alternate Processing of Rene 65 with Additive Manufacturing
Advancing Characterization of Co/Ni-based Superalloys with Statistics using Correlative Electron Diffraction and X-ray Spectroscopy
Advancing The State of the Art of Superalloys by Balancing Performance with Repairability
Analysis of the APB Energy in an Additive Manufactured Polycrystalline Ni-based Superalloy with High γ' Volume Fraction
Applying APT and LKMC Simulations to a Model Ni-based Superalloy
Competing Mode of Failure Predictions in a Ni-based Superalloy using Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Simulations
Competitive Mechanisms of Fatigue Crack Initiation Around Non-metallic Inclusions of a Polycrystalline Ni-base Superalloy
Considerations for Homogenizing Alloys
Creep Resistant Cast INCONEL Alloy 740H using an Alternative Casting Technique
Deformation Mechanisms of Co-Cr-W-Ni Alloys at Ambient Temperature
Design Approaches for Advanced High Temperature Structural Materials
Design of γ’-strengthened Co/Ni-based Superalloys
Development of a New High Energy X-ray Diffraction NDT for High Pressure Turbine Blades
Effect of Stacking Fault Segregation and Local Phase Transformations on Creep Strength in Ni-base Superalloys
Effect of Ultrasonic Nanocrystalline Surface Modification (UNSM) on the Oxidation Behavior of Alloy 800HT in a Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (SCO2) Environment
Elevated Temperature Tribological Behavior of Alloys 800HT and 617 for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor Applications
Enhancement of EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coating Adhesion Strength by Laser Surface Texturing
Environmental Effect Solutions for Superalloys Today and Tomorrow
Evolution of Microstructure in Net-shape HIP IN718 with Improved Fatigue Performance
Experimental Assessment and Numerical Simulation of Recrystallization Phenomena in Nickel based Superalloy Forgings
Factors Controlling VHCF Life of Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloys
First-principles Study of Displacive-diffusive Phase Transformations during High Temperature Creep: from Ni- to Co-based Superalloys
Formation and Composition of Hot Corrosion Deposits on Model Ni-Cr-Al Alloys
Friction Stir Welding of Inconel 825 Alloy
From Co-Al-W-alloys to Advanced CoNi-base Superalloys
G-1 (Invited): The Role of Heteroepitaxial Recrystallization in the Determination of the Grain Size Distribution during Thermomechanical Processing of Ni Base Superalloys
G-2: Application of Computed Tomography as Non-destructive Test in Development Process of Aircraft Ni Superalloys Castings
G-3: Evaluating the Hydrogen Environment-assisted Cracking Susceptibility of a Next-generation Co-Ni Alloy for Marine Fastener Applications
G-7: The Role of Microstructural Homogenization on Tensile and Stress-rupture Behavior of Selective Laser Melted Nickel Based 718 Alloy
Grain Boundary Chemistry and Mechanical Properties of a Multicomponent Co-based L12–ordered Intermetallic Alloy
Heat Treatment Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of Ni-Cr-Mo-W (Haynes 244) Alloy after Surface Treatment by Ultrasonic Nanocrystalline Surface Modification (UNSM) and Laser Shock Peening (LSP)
High-temperature Corrosion of Ni-based Superalloys in Impure CO2 Power Cycle Environments
Innovation in Ni- and Co-base Superalloys at Carpenter Technology Corporation
Investigating Deformation Mechanisms in a Coarsening Resistant Ni-base Superalloy with "Compact" γ'-γ" Coprecipitates
Is the Carbon Content Really an Issue for the LCF Durability of Forged γ/γ′ Ni-based Disk Alloys?
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Cast Ni-based Alloy
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a CoNi-base Superalloy Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting
Microstructure Evolution in a P/M Ni-based Super Alloy
Modeling the Dependence of Microstructural Evolution on the Crystallographic Orientation in Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloys
New Insights on Al2O3-Scale Growth on Ni-Based Alloys and the Influence of Reactive Elements
Ni-based Superalloy Design Exploration by the High-throughput Hot-isostatic-pressing Micro-synthesis Method
Numerical Calculation of Antiphase Boundary Energy of Ni-superalloys
On the Effects of Chemistry Variations in New Nickel-based Superalloys for Industrial Gas Turbine Applications
On the Formation of Heating and Cooling Precipitates from a Superalloy Powder
On the Rejuvenation of Crept Ni-base Single Crystal Superalloys (SX) by Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP)
On the Temperature Limits of Ni-based Superalloys
Optimising Creep Resistance of a Powder Metallurgy Nickel Superalloy via Tailoring of γ΄ Precipitates Using Different Heat Treatments
Optimising the γ/γ' Microstructure and Increasing the High Temperature Strength of a Co-base Superalloy
Performance of Gamma Prime Alloys Processed Through Electron Beam Melting
Phase-field-informed Modeling of γ’ Rafting in 3D during High-temperature Creep in Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloys
Probing Effects of Alloying Additions and Local Phase Transformation Strengthening on Creep Deformation in Nickel Based Superalloys
Recent Advances in Inertia Friction Welding of Dissimilar Ni-base Superalloys
Segregation at Planar Defects in Model NiCo-based Superalloys
Structural and Chemical Features of Borides Precipitated within the Transient Liquid (TLP) Bonded Superalloys
Very High Cycle Fatigue of a Polycrystalline Co-base Superalloy
Welding and Weldability Assessment of Ni-based Superalloys

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