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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advances in Dielectric Materials and Electronic Devices
Presentation Title Room Temperature Fabrication of Ceramic Composites for Electronic Applications
Author(s) Matjaž Spreitzer, Nina Kuzmić, Mikko Nelo, Srečo Škapin, Heli Jantunen
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Matjaž Spreitzer
Abstract Scope Dielectric ceramics are widely used in various electronic devices. Due to the high energy requirements in their large-scale production, the need for a more environmentally friendly approach is increasingly evident. Room Temperature Fabrication (RTF) offers a potential solution to reduce processing temperatures by using water-soluble inorganic compounds (such as Li2MoO4) and hence curable at room temperature in the form of pure ceramic or ceramic composites. One possible form is an “upside-down” composite, where a high loading of functional ceramic filler and a small amount of binder in the form of a solid and saturated aqueous solution are combined. In our study, a composite system based on SrTiO3 was investigated. RTF processing parameters were optimized to improve the dielectric performance of the composites, which were characterized with microstructural, mechanical, FTIR, and XRD analysis. Additionally, we investigated the influence of residual porosity on the dielectric properties through OOF2 simulations.


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