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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Spatially Tailored Materials: Processing-Structure-Properties
Presentation Title Effect of Zr and Sc Additions on Coarsening- and Creep Resistance of Laser-Melted AlSi10Mg
Author(s) Ismael E. Coello Ramirez, Jennifer Glerum, Clement Ekaputra, David Dunand
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ismael E. Coello Ramirez
Abstract Scope Microstructure and creep properties are studied in a eutectic AlSi10Mg alloy modified with Zr/Sc additions manufactured through laser powder-bed fusion. Three types of Zr/Sc-bearing powders are employed to fabricate. The as-printed alloy exhibits a fine cellular Al-Si eutectic structure which fragments and coarsens into micron-sized Si particles during aging, leading to a steady drop in microhardness. Coarsening of the eutectic Si phase during aging is not measurably affected by Zr/Sc in solid solution, which precipitate during aging and increases strength, compensating weakening from Si coarsening. Atom-probe analysis confirms the presence of secondary nano-precipitates. Micron-sized grains are present throughout the alloy, with some ultra-fine-grained regions, both of which do not coarsen during aging. Under creep conditions, the Zr/Sc-bearing alloy with Al3(Sc,Zr) nano-precipitates exhibits power-law behavior, with a high apparent stress exponent and a high threshold stress showing a substantial strength increase as compared to a Zr/Sc-free AlSi10Mg control alloy.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Aluminum, Characterization


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Effect of Zr and Sc Additions on Coarsening- and Creep Resistance of Laser-Melted AlSi10Mg
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