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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Frontiers in Solidification Science VIII
Presentation Title Probing the Growth Dynamics of Eutectic Colonies in Zn-Al via X-ray Video Microscopy
Author(s) Yeqing Wang, Jianrong Gao, Ashwin Shahani
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ashwin Shahani
Abstract Scope Eutectic Zn-Al is an attractive anode material for aqueous rechargeable batteries. It is of fundamental and technical interest to investigate their solidification behavior in casting. In this work, we probe the eutectic solidification process in Zn-5wt%Al alloys via synchrotron-based, in situ X-ray radiography. We observe the formation and elimination of two‑phase cells or colonies as growth proceeds, suggesting that the solidification front is inherently unstable. Colonies increase in number when one colony splits into two, and decrease in number when one colony is overgrown by its neighbors, in agreement with recent phase field simulations. Our results also demonstrated that the relationship between undercooling and growth velocity does not agree with predictions from the Jackson-Hunt criterion, owing to the presence of thermo-solutal convection. The evolution of the eutectic colonies, and their interaction with fluid flow, will be presented and discussed.
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3D Phase-field Simulations of Pattern Formation during Freeze Casting
A Comparison of Terrestrial and Microgravity Isothermal Equiaxed Alloy Solidification through Machine Learning, Multi-stage Thresholding and Sub-dendrite-based In Situ X-ray Video Processing
A Method of Estimation of Solid-liquid Interface Anisotropy Based on Machine Learning Combined with Phase-field Simulations
A Model for Dendrite Fragmentation in Alloy Solidification
Bridging Multiscale Models for Predicting Nano and Microstructures in Rapid Solidification of Metals and Alloys
Cellular Automaton Modeling of Solidification Microstructure and Microporosity in Multi-component Aluminum Alloys
Characterization of Dendritic Spatially Extended 3D Patterns in Directional Solidification: Microgravity Experiments in DECLIC-DSI Onboard ISS and 3D Phase-field Simulations
Coexistence of Rod-like and Lamellar Eutectic Growth Patterns: In Situ Experiments in Microgravity
Combination of X-ray Topography and Radiography for In Situ and Time Resolved Investigation of the Solidification of Silicon
Comparison of Solidification Characteristics of In-situ X-radiography Experiments and DNN Simulations
Coupled and Decoupled Eutectic Growth in a Transparent Irregular Eutectic Alloy
Coupling of Solidification Grain Structures with Heat and Mass Transfers
Crystal-orientation Maps of Lamellar Eutectic Growth Microstructures in Thin Al-Al2Cu Films Obtained by Laue Microdiffraction
Data-assimilation for Dendritic Solidification Using Phase-field Simulation Based on Limited Observation Data
Dendritic Spacing Selection during Al-Cu Casting: Experiments and Multiscale Simulations
Directional Solidification of Al-10wt.%Cu Alloy in Hypergravity
Effect of Vacuum during Flow in High-pressure Die Casting: Water Analog Experiments
Effects of Process Conditions and Morphology Evolution on Microsegregation During Solidification: A Combined Phase-field and Experimental Study
Electronic-structure Calculations of Local Orders in Liquid Metals
Experimental Observations of Mechanisms of Pattern Formation during Freeze Casting
Facetted Growth in Isothermal Solidification of Silicon: 3D Phase-field Simulations of Growth and Equilibrium Shapes
Grain Competition in Polycrystalline Columnar Dendritic Solidification: Scale Bridging between Phase Field and Cellular Automaton Methods
Grain Refinement Mechanisms of A6061-RAM2 Metal Matrix Composite Alloys during Laser Powder Bed-fusion (LPB-F)
Grain Selection after a Massive-like Transformation from Ferrite to Austenite during Solidification in Fe-based Alloys
In-situ Measurement of Dendrite Tip Shape in a Metallic Alloy
In Situ Quantification of Degenerate Graphite Nodule Formation during the Solidification of Ductile Cast Iron
In Situ Studies of Alloy Solidification Using Dynamic TEM
Interaction of Hydrogen-bubbles with the Approaching Solidification Front in Al-Cu Melt - An In-situ Study
Introductory Comments: Frontiers in Solidification Science VIII
ISRO-mediated Nucleation in Fcc Alloys during Rapid Melting and Solidification Processes
Lamellar Spacing Selection during Oscillatory Eutectic Solidification
Melting of Metastable Solid-states in Au-Si Eutectic Alloy
Microstructural Evolution in Metallic Alloys during Solidification
Microstructure Evolution during Melting
Morphological Evolution during Solidification
Multi-phase-field Lattice Boltzmann Modeling and Simulations for Semi-solid Deformation
Multiscale Modeling of Alloy Dendritic Growth with Liquid Convection
Numerical Model of Al-33wt%Cu Eutectic Growth during Impulse Atomization
Orientation Relationships and Pattern Evolution In Directionally Solidified Al-Cu-Mg Ternary Eutectic
Orientation Relationships between Al3Ti and TiB2 due to Nucleation and Pushing/Engulfment
Permeability Prediction of Dendritic Mushy Zone by Phase-field and Lattice Boltzmann Simulations
Phase-field Simulations of the Lamella-to-rod Transition in Eutectic Solidification
Phase Field Modeling of Biomineralization? Microstructure Evolution in Mollusk Shells
Phase Field Modeling of Solidification with Application to Template-directed Solidification
Probing the Growth Dynamics of Eutectic Colonies in Zn-Al via X-ray Video Microscopy
Quantification of the Extent of Disequilibrium at the Solid-liquid Interface during Additive Manufacturing
Rapid Solidification of Polycrystalline Al-Cu with a Quantitative Phase Field Model and In-situ Imaging
Shapes of Dendritic Tips at Small and Large Undercoolings
Solidification and Fluid Convection - The Story of an Inseparable Couple
Structural Changes during Crystallization and Vitrification of Dilute FCC-based Binary Alloys
Synchrotron Examination of Nucleation and Growth of Nodular and Compacted Graphite Particles during Cyclic Solidification of Ductile Cast Iron
Understanding the Role of Magnetic Fields on Freckle Formation during Solidification through In Situ Imaging
Unraveling the Effect of Solid-liquid Interfacial Anisotropy on Pattern Formation in Rapid Directional Solidification of Binary Alloys
Using Composition and Patterning to Induce Solidification Instabilities in Al-Cu Eutectic Thin Films

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