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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Mechanics and Physiological Adaptation of Hard and Soft Biomaterials and Biological Tissues
Presentation Title Bone's Adaptation to Hyperglycemia in Diabetes
Author(s) Claire Acevedo
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Claire Acevedo
Abstract Scope With the global epidemic of diabetes, understanding the mechanisms underlying diabetic bone fragility is an urgency. Contrary to standard bone fragility diseases such as osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes is not associated with a low bone mass but it is clearly caused by changes in bone quality. Using a rat model of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus combined with multi-scale synchrotron experiments from the nanoscale to the macroscale, we demonstrate that diabetes significantly reduces whole-bone strength and toughness for a given bone mass, and we quantify the roles of T2DM-induced deficits in material properties versus bone structure in long bones, vertebrae, and discs. Deficits in material properties in diabetic rat bones are a bone adaptation to increased advanced glycation end-products and impaired collagen fibril deformation.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Biomaterials, Characterization, Mechanical Properties


Adaptation of Hard and Soft Tissues Structures to Physiological Loading Patterns
Bone's Adaptation to Hyperglycemia in Diabetes
Bone Adaptation as a Response to Mechanical Loading in Zebrafish
Bone Quality and Mineralization from Vibrational Spectroscopy
Impact of Test Environment on the Fracture Resistance of Cortical Bone
Learning from Nature - How Biological Hard Tissues Cope with Stress
Materials for Mechanochemistry and Mechanobiology
Mechanics and Applications of Bioinspired Bioadhesives for Tissue Repair
Mimicking the Structure and Properties of Bone with Freeze Casting
Mineral Ellipsoids and Nanochannel Structures in Bone
Multi-scale Characterization of Ear Bone Mechanics

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